Large Wall , Not enough time!

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can anyone please help me?
i have a large wall to replaster, it is back to the brick on most of it but I need to bring it up to a thickness of about 1 inch as there is some plaster still on the walls which I need to level it up to. It will probably need 2 coats of hardwall or bonding but I wont be able to do this and do the 2 skim coats as well all in one day. Can I continue to skim the following day or will this dry out the skim coat instantly? If so can I PVA the rough coats and skim ?
anyones advice would be very much appreciated. thanks
i would bond out the bits that need doing, then approximately 10 coats of pva, then split the wall into ten with vertical stop beads, then skim it over 5 days.
thanks for the advice guys I'll try doing the roughing one day and PVA and skim the next...wasnt sure whether applying PVA to plaster that is setting would stop it from breathing and setting properly . i've been plastering for a few years now but never attempted such a large wall on my own...fingers crossed it goes ok!
rough it out mate then the next day get ya gear out and ready then pva it then skim it to where you run out of Multi, after you have finished that just repeat further down the wall and treat it as a big patch
How long you been Plastering Peteramshaw? You say 4 years of Plastering - Surely by now you should know how to render to brick, or apply a backing coat, and then understand the setting times for backing plaster/coat be it hardwall or bonding plaster!? And therefore know when to Apply PVA, and then when too skim (2 coat) the large wall to good. Mmmm.

Personally I would have rendered the wall. Then a good x 2 coat final skim using Multi Finish. Then you would not need to apply many coats of PVA prior to skimming the wall.
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