Left wing anti semitism

I tell you what, tell us how many people were depicted in the pic and who they were :)
Who do you think you are? You will tell me what to do? You are not smart enough, m8. lol. I am not the one making a statement saying how many jews are in the mural. You are. It is now very clear that you have not read how many jews are in the mural. You have just made up the figure to try to win a point in your argument with gps.
It could well be that as far as the artist is concerned, there are only two jews depicted but you have certainly not read that there are only two, m8.
Who do you think you are? You will tell me what to do? You are not smart enough, m8. lol. I am not the one making a statement saying how many jews are in the mural. You are. It is now very clear that you have not read how many jews are in the mural. You have just made up the figure to try to win a point in your argument with gps.
It could well be that as far as the artist is concerned, there are only two jews depicted but you have certainly not read that there are only two, m8.
Get a grip ffs, it's quite simple read whom was depicted in the pic? I couldn't give a f**k. So who was a Jew?
I have got a grip. I have read about the mural and as far as I can tell the artist has not said how many jews are in the mural but you said there were two. So I ask again, how do you know there were "only two" in the mural, m8?
Because it wasn't based on your interpretation of what the mural stood for, it was about freedom of expression through art or something along them lines :) please keep up x so did you see it hahahaha
No it wasn't. It was about class and privilege, m8.
"My mural is about class & privilege."
Ffs keep up, I was on about corbyns comment.
Try using a fullstop and starting another sentence below, instead of using a comma then? If you are using a comma, it means you are still talking about the same subject i.e. "what the mural stood for", m8
According to the BBC
Christine Shawcroft said her membership of the NEC had "become a distraction for the party and an excuse for endless intrusive media harassment of myself, my family and friends".

The row erupted after it emerged she had opposed the suspension of a council candidate accused of Holocaust denial.

Ms Shawcroft will be replaced on the NEC by comedian Eddie Izzard.
Eddie Izzard? :LOL: m8s.
Left wing anti semitism

I think @flynnyman has been watching the G** newspaper guy on “good morning”........in debate when he challenges the other guy to “prove it” ......he says quietly....”he won’t “ and pouts abit......
Anyone else noticed it?
I think @flynnyman has been watching the G** newspaper guy on “good morning”........in debate when he challenges the other guy to “prove it” ......he says quietly....”he won’t “ and pouts abit......
Anyone else noticed it?
I think @flynnyman has been watching the G** newspaper guy on “good morning”........in debate when he challenges the other guy to “prove it” ......he says quietly....”he won’t “ and pouts abit......
Anyone else noticed it?

Not that horrible little weasel Owen Jones ?
Nice link hahahahha it is a problem throughout the world, I can tell you the problem is bigger within the tories but you won't read that in you news :)

Swerving and deflecting again lol and still not admitting despite momentum being able to do so.
@flynnyman it gets worse for Corbyn, it’s almost like he has had enough and looking for a way out

lol desperation
By year end we will have a new labour leader and conservative leader I’m certain
that's what you wish but that isn't going to happen :) labour are growing because of all this bullshit :) labour have had an inquiry I don't see the tories following suit but who could blame then? they would be left with no MPs ;)
lol desperation

that's what you wish but that isn't going to happen :) labour are growing because of all this bullshit :) labour have had an inquiry I don't see the tories following suit but who could blame then? they would be left with no MPs ;)

You remind of saddam husseins right hand man, who famously gave the interview on tv saying all is ok we are still in control as the American tanks rolled in past him lol
You remind of saddam husseins right hand man, who famously gave the interview on tv saying all is ok we are still in control as the American tanks rolled in past him lol
Lol all this hysteria just as the local elections are starting hmmmmmmmm maybe you should be more concerned with the lies Theresa May has been telling about a food poisoning issue lol also the covering up of pedophiles hmmmmmmm which is usually close to your heart?
Lol all this hysteria just as the local elections are starting hmmmmmmmm maybe you should be more concerned with the lies Theresa May has been telling about a food poisoning issue lol also the covering up of pedophiles hmmmmmmm which is usually close to your heart?

Yes the Muslim pedophile gangs she can’t hide any longer, the truth is coming out.

Hey listen it’s not me saying it, it’s momentum lol