Limelite and gypsum

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New Member
Right then...
I have been asked to price a job where a chemical dampcourse has been installed in to a cottage with solid stone walls.
The plasterers who followed the damp course guys on have applied limelite Reno to 1m high and not bothered skimming over the top as customer is messing around with walls above 1m high (with new windows,re-wire etc etc). The plaster above 1m high is a mix of traditional lime and gypsum.
I have spoken to the lovely people at Tarmac who have confirmed that lime and gypsum products don't work well together, So my questions this...
What do I patch the top of the walls with? And what do I overskim the entire wall with?

Please only answer if you have had prior experience as there are a lot of walls that need doing in this way and cant afford to have this come back to bite me.

Cheers guys!
if the whole wall needs a skim ..apply bluegrit above the 1m (as long as plaster sound)
skim whole wall with limlite
Thanks for the replies both of you.
The only problem is that you have both highlighted my dilemma... The lime method is basically what Tarmac have Recomended except theyve said to mixed sbr in with lime high impact finish and over skim walls.
The gypsum method is going to be drastically cheaper, and in all fairness is probs the method anyone else who is pricing the same job will use.
So, basically I'm tempted down the board finish route unless someone categorically says no.

Comments v much appreciated.

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