Looking to buy a plastering book...

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New Member
Have been plastering for 3 years.
Just got my qualification through the other month, and looking for a good book as a point of reference for the future.
Could do with one that particularly focusses on 2coat work.
Noticed the Plastering: An Encylopaedia by Brian Pegg and W. D. Stagg.

Any recommendations please guys??
good book that was used for city and guilds course work back in the day and they were my college tutors bit heavy on the fibrous side
buy mine 101 reasons not to get into plastering out next week sure itll be a best seller willing to make 150 if anyone has any ;D
Yeh mate I bought that book about 5 years ago (pegg &stagg), thought it was crap.
Took it out the other night to try and read again, jees even more crap than 5 years ago.
yes if you need a book after three years maybe you need to buy a book on new careers no offence intended
i got given a book by my granddad the other day.. looked reali reali old old samll brown book. all it had was lath and lime plaster and basic tools are things like a lath hammer! thanks ill keep it in the van
Gps... just trying to expand my knowledge mate. Too many people out there who get stuck doing the same thing over and over again. Atleast this way i'm expanding my knowledge. No Offence!!
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