Looking to network and meet fellow cscs plasterers

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New Member
Hi Everyone, names Kyle Kentish- K2 Plastering ltd

looking to make some contacts to bounce work off each other- based in buckinghamshire South East London.

Anyone looking for decent spreads please feel free to contact me. Currently a 2 and 1 team, will soon be using the mtec 300, but want to ensure we have enough work to warrent ordering it. Also would like to offer work to others once work gets busy! So if you are interested id be more than happy to talk to you...


Kyle Kentish
Welcome to the forum mate, there is lot of banter on here mate so don't take offence please, also you will receive some advice on your choice of pump from certain members :rolleyes)
Hi Everyone, names Kyle Kentish- K2 Plastering ltd

looking to make some contacts to bounce work off each other- based in buckinghamshire South East London.

Anyone looking for decent spreads please feel free to contact me. Currently a 2 and 1 team, will soon be using the mtec 300, but want to ensure we have enough work to warrent ordering it. Also would like to offer work to others once work gets busy! So if you are interested id be more than happy to talk to you...


Kyle Kentish

welcome to the forum and my first bit of advise would be if you havent already payed for the mtec 300 forget it its a big lump of metal, there are better machines out there but if you have already bought it, its a great machine and well wortt the money ;)
really..?!cheers mate! I havent bought it just yet however i tried one out-did notice it was a bit on the large side i must admit! What would you reccomend- any advice would be awsome!
Gibbo I am interested in speaking about your machine you have for sale, not sure if I have posted a reply in the right way or not!! Useless with computers!! Also flyynymann would be interested in your advice on a machine!! been hand applying k-rend today...a machine would have been a dream! thanks!
post up your email mate, prolly blanked from pm's till youve posted more i reckon... gibbo will get back to you..
Gibbo I am interested in speaking about your machine you have for sale, not sure if I have posted a reply in the right way or not!! Useless with computers!! Also flyynymann would be interested in your advice on a machine!! been hand applying k-rend today...a machine would have been a dream! thanks!

Unfortunetly my experience on machines is limited to the mtec 300 which i thought was a big clunk of metal but you need to speak to blones im sure he will put you right and out of all the machine advise he seems to know his onions where some pretend to know ;)
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