
Private Member
Just had a shower after a hard day and noticed I got them developing, can't believe it tbh work my socks off all day long lugging heavy s**t around and sweating like a rain soaked dog .


Tbh noticed a few older spreads (50 years old +) on the tubby side and never thought it would happen to me but it's started
I love you Vince! :D
It's stress if you're eating well. Could be lack of sleep, too much caffeine, etc etc.
On here dropping subtle hints, next thing you know it every builders merchant will have a workout with vincey DVD available.
could be on your way to type 2 diabetes vincy. Know a few lads in the building trade who now in middle age have suddenly got it and they all have one thing in common .... poor diets ,do no exercise because of working all the time and they all have fat around the waist. Be warned and go see your doctor for a few tests and some health advice.
could be on your way to type 2 diabetes vincy. Know a few lads in the building trade who now in middle age have suddenly got it and they all have one thing in common .... poor diets ,do no exercise because of working all the time and they all have fat around the waist. Be warned and go see your doctor for a few tests and some health advice.
All joking aside you might have a point here , last Sunday I had dizzy spells on a job and had to go home I couldn't see straight went to doctors he said paracetamol and eat more and see how I go tbh I still got slight dizzyness today
Waist circumference is the biggest indication to poor health and potential heart probs. Eat well during your working day you have to fuel your body for the work. Low gi foods protein and eat a rainbow of fruit and veg a day. Water is paramount to drink as much as poss.
Its not just food ,you have to start looking at your life style. To much stress and lack of good sleep are major factors that play a big part in poor health. To many people look for quick fixes to there lack of energy and feelings of tiredness and consume completely the wrong type of fuel, using high sugar food and drink to get them through the day not understanding that they are causing a blood sugar spike in there body which has the pay back of an energy crash leaving them feeling tired and empty again . So the circle goes on and before you know it poor health has crept up on you and its to late to act and do much about it. Get your fuel right and invest a bit of time and effort in yourself or all that hard work and worry will be for nothing and you can look look forward to an old age with poor health .
Well said sugary foods are like a loan from a loan shark. Great whilst you have it that being the sugar rush then your body has to pay that high back but with mega interest i.e. you crash and burn
More worried about the little beer belly I'm getting although those love handles have arrived.
I keep talking about going for a run but just too tired
More worried about the little beer belly I'm getting although those love handles have arrived.
I keep talking about going for a run but just too tired
You can run all you want too but you will fail to shift your belly and then get fed up and go back to your old ways. Exercise is great way of keeping it off but you have to get to that place first and the only way of doing that is to change your eating and start to get the right stuff into you . There is plenty of info on the internet about this . Just as a point, fit and healthy are not always the same thing as someone can be very fit but not especially healthy in what they eat and drink and fitness is only relevant to what you are asking your body to do .
I am going to set up a plasterers well being section I think as I think that its a topic that interests a lot of people
Physical and mental health are gaining strides nowadays a lot more being done to combat poor health. Early prevention is saving the nhs millions. More awareness and opportunities arising constantly. Difficult to get into the habit of looking after yourself but once yiu have a routine you feel so much better.
Im a part of this Link Removed this is a a fantastic 12 week free course thats offered by the local council gyms and local rugby club. Its a shame other areas dont run such things as the success of it has been amazing. Im fortunate enough to be a mentor on the programme and participating in my 6th one. Still struggle to eat right and get to every session though
Skinny doesnt mean good health mate. If you can what you want and not put on weight chances are your cholesterol aint to good