you can,t spell sober thicko:RpS_laugh:i think i do but i stand by what i said, you saw the build quality of the one in germany we had to look at. It was shocking. Dont get me wrong, Mtech make good machines but in this case they have rushed a machine on to the market without thinking things through. Anyway, i still dont know why anyone just skimming needs a machine, how long does it really take to bng on a set? when you spray finish on yo need someone behind you flattening out.
I cant spell when im pissed either.
iv got 1 off this they r good i come and show u it in action if u wantyeah thanks for that informative post south coast
how the fcuk do you know its the best machine for skiming when its the firt machine you have every used. THE RITMO will run circles round that heap of s**t and paying around 6k for something which only sprays finish is not great business is it.
i dont have a pop at anyone but you and you break every time and i aint got a red nose you w**k*rthat gibo is like one of those sad little T***s at school, you know the types . anyway, if it makes him feel good having a pop at everyone . still a sad red nosed t**t though
easy to clean mate abut 5 to 10 minutes
u get more time than by hand it angs lot longer i finddo u do one or 2 coats?
how do u find the overspray?
u using multi?
talk us through from starting spraying to finishing troweling how long stuff takes
80m is gash.. i could put more than that on with my man boobs
could you fcuk80m is gash.. i could put more than that on with my knob trowel:rolleyes)