machine life expectancy

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plasterjfe said:
how many years can you expect to have a machine for based on using it every week at least once.
Look after it properly and there is no reason it wont last forever, just keep on top of your filters etc.
at the end of the day its like anything you use as a tool, if you look after a machine and maintain it ,it will look after you.
my van broke down fri morning 5.30 on m11 only been on road 2 and half years ecg valve f**k*d got home at 6
my old tank you all slag off becausen its old has never broken down on me, 140k and not a knock. she dont owe me a penny and aint since the day i got her. new van on tick or lease, I dont f**k**g think so.
some of us got a bit more class your best clothes are your work clothes simps and the mechanic said its a mystery that it happened and your tight simps
that van is a tank she just keeps on going , the engine is sound on it , personally i dont want a van on the tick , paid £2850 for my transit i aint got to worry about paying for it each month
all the people i work for dont care a s**t what you drive, all they want is a good job done, used to see it all the time down here, some lad does a 5 dayer and next he has a new sign writen van. dont see it around after 6 months because he looked the part but couldnt do the work. as for my work cloths, women love picking bits of plaster out there crack after i have been there . ;D ;D ;D ;D
look at the fun we and monkey have in our vans, handbraking it in the snow, if i hit mine i dont give a f**k but all you boys are there wrapping them up in cotton wool just incase they get scratched and the lease company will charge you for the damage. anyway grand, yours aint a van its an estate car with no windows. 2 bags of plaster and its full ;D ;D ;D ;D
i dont carry plaster in it and i dont give a rats if it gets scratched like all vans they depreciate in value i dont get charged on the deal i got
yes mate but i will not say to much or mr worriour will send me another warning .
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