magnet trade pva

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i opened an account with these a couple of weeks back and used them 4 the first time today. put me order in 5 litre tub ov pva, 3 angle beads and a bag ov multi. total price came to just over a £10 turned out the pva is only £5.50 and its not bad stuff 2 be honest.
They re pretty good aswell they usually hand out £50 or £100 vouchers just 4 opening an account
did wonder..
usually end up feelin a tw't stood in a line of plasterers at the till, 5 litres of pva and 1 bag of multi.. ;D
come to think of it.. didnt magnet go bust? someone bought em out then?
seems they have gone into suplying plastering materials i got a letter off them a couple of months back with a proce list asking me to become an account holder the prices didnt seem to bad either but i dont do that much private work so not much point in having an account just be a cheeky t**t an ask for trade discount wen i go the builders yard
funny enough had a phone call today from magnet rep coming out tommorow have to see what free bees i can get out of them to open a account
oo just had a look we've got one in our town! are those prices account only or can you get that pva for 550 cash?
bigsegs said:
oo just had a look we've got one in our town! are those prices account only or can you get that pva for 550 cash?
i think u hav 2 hav an account 4 that price, but 4 the sake ov fillin out a sheet of paper with ur details u might have a voucher 4 £100, it changes from month to month. I had £50 wen i opened mine and it covered the cost of materials 4 2 jobs. My local 1 sells alot stanley tools aswell.
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