making the transition from plastering to rendering!

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Might be different on very large builds, over here you tend to do both all the time with very few specialist, what I have noticed is the fall of in colored render since the boom years, much of it looks s**t five years on and I don't have any confidence in its suitability to our wet cloudy moderate climate. Even the anti fungal varieties. If there was a machine to do SnC would be worth it alright.

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That k rend looks s**t 5 years on
ok so before anyone says it yes a PLASTERER also RENDERS etc...

However we tend to end up predominately down 1 route or another depending on what work & contacts cross or paths over the yrs etc...

For nearly 20ys ive been plastering with only a very small % of bits of rendering thrown in...mainly s&c the odd thin coat stuff etc..

Im just wondering if consciously any of you have decided to fade out your plastering works and push rendering and if so how has it panned out?

Presently I see it like this rendering in the main is better money however when you factor in days off due to uk weather and the fact that you generally need at least a labourer if not 2 lads & labourer for bigger jobs...does the money over the course of a year tend to level out?

I generally can fill most days of the week bar the odd wk or so around xmas nw yr with internals though there's not the money there anymore around these parts however you never struggle to earn and certainly don't need the commitment and layout of a labourers wage to find etc.

Also with mono becoming more and more popular im guessing sooner or later you have to decide to buy a machine thus again more costs etc.

Any opinions experiances welcome....Thanks Zombie

You can earn a little bit more rendering i guess but you will be putting the hrs to it. And getting battered in all weather.
Put it this way stay on at work skimming for the same hrs as u could be out rendering and u will earn more doing that.

I dont know why peoe switch for money cos it aint any different imo.

If your a spread and u like plastering do that. If u like rendering do that. My choice was based on doing what i love
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