Manky Boab


Private Member
We all know only too well the plastering game is manky. However I consider myself to be reasonably clean for a spread. Change of clothes daily and fresh faced with a splash of aftershave to greet my customers. It all goes along way in running a business. However, I’ve seen some shocking sights lately. Blokes looking like they’ve not had a wash in a month and stinking off BO. I’m just wondering what category you would put yourself in?
We all know only too well the plastering game is manky. However I consider myself to be reasonably clean for a spread. Change of clothes daily and fresh faced with a splash of aftershave to greet my customers. It all goes along way in running a business. However, I’ve seen some shocking sights lately. Blokes looking like they’ve not had a wash in a month and stinking off BO. I’m just wondering what category you would put yourself in?
The latter because we're on sites on price all year round and no-one gives a fuk
We all know only too well the plastering game is manky. However I consider myself to be reasonably clean for a spread. Change of clothes daily and fresh faced with a splash of aftershave to greet my customers. It all goes along way in running a business. However, I’ve seen some shocking sights lately. Blokes looking like they’ve not had a wash in a month and stinking off BO. I’m just wondering what category you would put yourself in?
Nothing wrong with taking a bit of pride in your appearance.
i remember as an apprentice if I turned up in dirty gear gear, I was sent home without pay for the day.
We all know only too well the plastering game is manky. However I consider myself to be reasonably clean for a spread. Change of clothes daily and fresh faced with a splash of aftershave to greet my customers. It all goes along way in running a business. However, I’ve seen some shocking sights lately. Blokes looking like they’ve not had a wash in a month and stinking off BO. I’m just wondering what category you would put yourself in?
Well you can't eat tapas, then turn up looking like this.
Manky Boab
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Always went to work smart as we went to work in 3.0 vauxhall senator then changed into s**t clothes to work.Changed to smart to go to pub lunchtime and normally went home after. Even now go to work tidy, keep van mint but work like a tramp!
Nothing wrong with taking a bit of pride in your appearance.
i remember as an apprentice if I turned up in dirty gear gear, I was sent home without pay for the day.
He's do better taking a pride in his beading
We all know only too well the plastering game is manky. However I consider myself to be reasonably clean for a spread. Change of clothes daily and fresh faced with a splash of aftershave to greet my customers. It all goes along way in running a business. However, I’ve seen some shocking sights lately. Blokes looking like they’ve not had a wash in a month and stinking off BO. I’m just wondering what category you would put yourself in?
Bath/shower every morning, bath every evening, always a splash of aftershave , deodorant, clean body gives me a clear head
Change boots and I wear overalls:coffe: