masks on site

Virus particles are NOT smaller than air particles, you nincompoop.

Plus, the virus isn't airborne. It rides around in snot and suchlike. Respiratory fluids, I think the right name is and a mask does prevent them from going anywhere (mostly)

Fucks sake, how many times do dullards have to be told basic things?
Who told you that?


Imagine you & gate with your foam gun shouting you will granny you can’t enter
Go away
You are so painfully thick its unreal.


There are 165,000 hospitals beds in the UK. They operate at more or less capacity. There's always somebody waiting for something.

Let's suppose they freed everything up. Assuming they could, which they can't.

There are 65 million people in the UK, right?

So let's do a little maths. Because you are hard of thinking, I will help you.

Around 10% of people with the virus need to go to hospital.

Unchecked, the virus doubled every two to three days...lets be generous and say twice a week.

So from one person having it, unchecked, you're talking about pretty much everyone having it over a period of 3 months with 6 million needing to go to unchecked, I mean everyone being as much of a total prick as you.

But it hasn't gone unchecked for three months, has it?

So after a couple of months, we arrive at a figure of something like quarter of a million which is just about to million next week and two the week you see how this works? (Probably not because you're thick as fuxk but we shall proceed in the hope that something sinks in)

Even at quarter of a million people with ten percent in hospital, that's 25000...are you keeping up? ... I imagine the NHS could find a way to cope with this but no more.

So thats what...0.4% or so or one in two hundred...perhaps a little less.

So you see, knob head...that you dont have to have met a single person with it and the place is in s**t state but you dont believe it.

You are a proper wank stain. Robber of old ladies, rough bodger, murderer and general purpose knob head. I hope you catch it, I really do.

When someone comes to my jobs, they get a handshake & a cup of

Throw away your tv , & do any media paper
Do not buy into left / right politics

Reasearch what makes you really ill !!

Research how the human body really

stop feeding toxins into the body

biophoton levels could be abnormal

lot of work to do but the only healing is self healing

your welcome
Not according to Marvyn.
I think all sensible people would agree there is a real side to covid and the deaths stand testament to that. Well those correctly recorded. But my problem is there's a lot of opportunities for a few people to make a lot of money from excess scaremongering and or overstated risks.
A lot of business are running more effectively and profitably in this fear climate and allowing usual service standards tonslip and blaming covid....

Order a takeaway here and before covid was delivered in 20 mins. Now they can take 2 hours after the stared delivery time when ordered online. They blame covid no they are doing very well from covid as all restaurants are closed but they don't want to turn business away so they lie about delivery...
Also in 10 years time I would love to see who will be sitting on the board of silent directors on these pharmaceutical companies....
I think all sensible people would agree there is a real side to covid and the deaths stand testament to that. Well those correctly recorded. But my problem is there's a lot of opportunities for a few people to make a lot of money from excess scaremongering and or overstated risks.
A lot of business are running more effectively and profitably in this fear climate and allowing usual service standards tonslip and blaming covid....

Order a takeaway here and before covid was delivered in 20 mins. Now they can take 2 hours after the stared delivery time when ordered online. They blame covid no they are doing very well from covid as all restaurants are closed but they don't want to turn business away so they lie about delivery...
Also in 10 years time I would love to see who will be sitting on the board of silent directors on these pharmaceutical companies....

Loads more people having take aways as cant go for snap or booze or owt else
Loads more people having take aways as cant go for snap or booze or owt else
I get that as my post states ... but 2 hours late on a food delivery when you mite have to go to work or get kids in bed etc isn't acceptable....

I've told about 4 to $=%& off now standing there with their bags in the rain. 2 hours late.
I get that as my post states ... but 2 hours late on a food delivery when you mite have to go to work or get kids in bed etc isn't acceptable....

I've told about 4 to $=%& off now standing there with their bags in the rain. 2 hours late.
Say again mate?
I get that as my post states ... but 2 hours late on a food delivery when you mite have to go to work or get kids in bed etc isn't acceptable....

I've told about 4 to $=%& off now standing there with their bags in the rain. 2 hours late.

Top tip order it 2 hours befire you want it
Top tip order it 2 hours befire you want it
You know what I mean...timing is important for food. People coming in or going out to work. Kids to organise etc....order a treat and its 2 hours I order 2 hours early and it comes in time and no one is in or hungry...

You wouldn't tell Mrs Jones ill be there 8am mon to do Your lid and show up at 1030 would you ???
It’s not the EU it’s a collaboration of world leaders and the tech elites. Those that are currently gathered in Davos right now deciding our fate. They, the completely unelected but disgustingly wealthy feel they have the right to decide the fate of humanity.
What more could you want when you have enough wealth to buy anything you could dream of? Power is what they want. To control the world.
I refer to my previous post
This vid is a must watch
Just before the believes of the mask and the tests get another one or wear one both are heavely coated in this have alook for yourself...
The Pharmaceutical company doest make money off a healthy person we live in a world were money is more important than a human life we need to wake up..
We are poisoned every single thing you can think of.. Do some more research who controls the media and what is there agenda about covid _19 question everything... The government are here to make are life worse not better. We are slaves, when you finally wake up youll probably wish you hadnt as it is insanely frustrating to watch others believe in this nonesense...


  • masks on site
    105.5 KB · Views: 190
I wonder if people wear a mask after covid Becouse fumes from car is far more deadlier than covid!
Exatly and we went 6 months first lockdown without mask over summer the second . wave ir was worse and everbody wearing a mask on everywhere