Megamixer Died BOOOOOOO

I got a wee vitrex, it was alright, only used it once for a homer. Don't know that it would stand day in day out use all the same, and wouldnt mix heavier than skim or bonding with it, saying that I mixed sand cement but only a half bucket with white cement got reveals, so not a real test of it.
I've got one too
It mixes everything
Had it 6 years going well
Stuff the mega drills
Just paying for the name

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Eibenstocks we use, they knock up everything including a gauge of sand and cement 4 bags sand and a bag of dust, even used the 1800 watt one for floor screed
see some plastic plasterers with fckin tiny little cheap mixers just think to myself wtf got mega mixer . Had it bout 14 years I think only changed brushes once. Lads got a 70 quid thing and have to say it comes in really handy for little jobs.
Have mega mixers sorted the slow start switch yet. Seem to have been a prob of em allways losing slow start
My Alfa eunstock?? 1800 packed in ,earth shortage tripping out ,I’m told cost too much to repair ouch Makitas any good?