Meter work and Polycarboxylate


New Member
Anyone here used limescale tablets as a plasticizer the type with polycarboxylate content.and got any tips or other recommendation Experimenting on site with retarders plastercizers and spats anything make life easier when being paid by the metercurrently mix in a big refiner bucket 4.5bags at a time got 17 4x8 boards on with 2 tablets in to slow it down
Anyone here used limescale tablets as a plasticizer the type with polycarboxylate content.and got any tips or other recommendation Experimenting on site with retarders plastercizers and spats anything make life easier when being paid by the metercurrently mix in a big refiner bucket 4.5bags at a time got 17 4x8 boards on with 2 tablets in to slow it down
4.5 bag gauges is plenty big enough . 2 of them a day you'll be on top £, what you get per m2 ???
Anyone here used limescale tablets as a plasticizer the type with polycarboxylate content.and got any tips or other recommendation Experimenting on site with retarders plastercizers and spats anything make life easier when being paid by the metercurrently mix in a big refiner bucket 4.5bags at a time got 17 4x8 boards on with 2 tablets in to slow it down
Get 12 boards on with 2 bags what you doing with the rest of the gear eating it .we use citric acid if doing big gauges
Anyone here used limescale tablets as a plasticizer the type with polycarboxylate content.and got any tips or other recommendation Experimenting on site with retarders plastercizers and spats anything make life easier when being paid by the metercurrently mix in a big refiner bucket 4.5bags at a time got 17 4x8 boards on with 2 tablets in to slow it down

dish washer tablets mate lol
Here we go again site slags making s**t up as they go along
What a miserable fkin life it must be having to cut every corner where possible to graft like a c**t to try and earn half decent money no wonder the quality of new builds is shyte, no integrity in trade now
Thats a mighty big gauge, best i could ever manage was two 25kg bags, maybe 6 bags in a day ,thats approx 80 sq metre, surely thats enough for anyone.
Get 12 boards on with 2 bags what you doing with the rest of the gear eating it .we use citric acid if doing big gauges
Always found 1bag did about 12sqyare meteres (4boards) lot of beads to fill round and tapered edge boards to fill guess I just can't stretch it as far myself working on that tho haha
Here we go again site slags making s**t up as they go along
What a miserable fkin life it must be having to cut every corner where possible to graft like a c**t to try and earn half decent money no wonder the quality of new builds is shyte, no integrity in trade now
Got to agree is a s**t life having cut corners just to make good money wish they payed more cards in. Subby is way I'll be going soon can calm down a lil then
Fuk me that's low . I.m in Manchester a d the rates are shite but not that shite . That's 20 years ago rates
What's Manchester rates mind me asking? We do get holiday pay. And petrol/travel time included with that but still feel we being low balled with these bitty houses not many big rooms to have a run at
Nope, its called a bonus rate or some other shite. They claim it's to incentivise, and that the rate is set so that employees will always make minimum wage.
I've never heard of anyone on the cards doing price work, you should get down the citizens advice bureau.
I used to employ a couple of guys on the cards that were also on a price. Obviously minimum guaranteed wage, plus sick and holiday pay. Worked like a productivity incentive. Everyone was happy. Well for a while.