Micro rollers

I can't remember for the life of me what they were called. For big jobs we used a twin arm large roller and squeegee with a swivel head to move the sealers about. How are you using foam. Normally most sealers that are 2 part react with foam and make it a swell up and fall off the roll. I've always used fibre roller heads
This is my problem, the 2 part is melting whatever roller I use.
There fine for about 10 mins then there s**t. Went through loads !
I've tried soaking them in warm water.
I'll try and look for the fibre rollers I guess.
The sealer I've got is like syrup!
Feels like it needs to be thinner
This is my problem, the 2 part is melting whatever roller I use.
There fine for about 10 mins then there s**t. Went through loads !
I've tried soaking them in warm water.
I'll try and look for the fibre rollers I guess.
The sealer I've got is like syrup!
Feels like it needs to be thinner

I can't comment on the sealer as they are all different. But if you use a shortpile fibre roller it will be fine.
Thanks for everyone's help.

Just found out the reason why I'm having trouble.
I ordered a 20m2 kit from a company saying they are topciments UK supplier.
I've used it on my own bathroom, and it's finished.
Though I had trouble with the varnish it's come out fine, I'm happy with the finish.
I asked the supplier for help about a couple of things and I gathered he didn't know what he was talking about.
The warning signs were there.

Anyway after speaking to the actual topciments UK supplier I've found out the company I've bought all of the materials from is being taken to court by topciment.

They sold me different branded varnish and pigment no mesh no pre- sealer and no support !

f**k**g c**ts !

Who knows how long my bathroom will last for!!
Oh dear. What is there I'm company name. Should put it up so no one else buys from them. I k i.e. it doesn't help much now but it's worth researching products and companies. If you want to continue with micro cement I can personally vouch for Actris who are in the UK