Mixing render for garden wall and side and back wall of garage.
3:1 scratch coat with waterproofer setting 1 coat beads on corners of garage,doorway and piers.10mm thick
4:1 render coat with waterproofer. Put on wall at 10mm thick, straighten with wooden straight edge and filling low spots. Rubbing up with float and sponge off after float.
I laboured for my father in law for 1 year and this is how he done it. I'm going to follow what he did but is this right. I can't afford a plasterer, I'm out of work on sick leave and already have materials in so going to attempt it myself.
3:1 scratch coat with waterproofer setting 1 coat beads on corners of garage,doorway and piers.10mm thick
4:1 render coat with waterproofer. Put on wall at 10mm thick, straighten with wooden straight edge and filling low spots. Rubbing up with float and sponge off after float.
I laboured for my father in law for 1 year and this is how he done it. I'm going to follow what he did but is this right. I can't afford a plasterer, I'm out of work on sick leave and already have materials in so going to attempt it myself.