Mixed suction backgrounds


New Member
How to even out suction on mixed backgrounds . Doing a bungalow with grey plaster and shiny paint on most walls .grey plaster very porous paint not at all. How would you deal with it . PVa isn’t doing the trick. Blue grit and similar products don’t kill suction. Any suggestions?
Just skim what you are able to handle suction wise wheter it's one wall or three,or skim the less suction parts first and then skim the high suction parts last and blend it all in as one then but timings.need to be spot on ,there's extratime retarder some guys on her use sbr on here
On a high suction background allow the pva 24 hours to dry then pva again before skimming while it's tacky.
How to even out suction on mixed backgrounds . Doing a bungalow with grey plaster and shiny paint on most walls .grey plaster very porous paint not at all. How would you deal with it . PVa isn’t doing the trick. Blue grit and similar products don’t kill suction. Any suggestions?
Thistle bond it.
Expensive, but hangs as long as @Casper ’s grandad balls, good product for the newbie’s. (y)
How to even out suction on mixed backgrounds . Doing a bungalow with grey plaster and shiny paint on most walls .grey plaster very porous paint not at all. How would you deal with it . PVa isn’t doing the trick. Blue grit and similar products don’t kill suction. Any suggestions?
Yes they f**k**g do
How to even out suction on mixed backgrounds . Doing a bungalow with grey plaster and shiny paint on most walls .grey plaster very porous paint not at all. How would you deal with it . PVa isn’t doing the trick. Blue grit and similar products don’t kill suction. Any suggestions?
Blue grit hangs around like a mofo dude!