
f**k me u read this drivel and want to find the nearest tree,it will be rode out eventually,everything always rides itself positive you pessimistic T***s and get a grip..u can screen grab this and put it on here next year,not f**k**g doomsday..s**t cleaner will be f**k*d like
What part of people are dying and business are going under doesnt sinknin to your stupid f**k**g head
The money is for people who can't work because the govt has told them to shut.
Everybody else is in the same boat, enjoy the rest.
No. The money is for people who would have been laid off by their companies. Instead the government is giving the grant to the companies to keep them on. Its not just companies who have been told to shut down. The thing is, the scheme has only been announced. It wont be operational and accepting requests until April, and will pay out later than that. You're talking 5 or 6 weeks until anyone sees any money. Most likely we'll all be in Dantes f**k**g inferno by that time anyway. I don't know if you've seen the film The Road, but something like that. So, everyone isn't in the same boat. Sole traders and contract workers have been treated with contempt. Their reasoning being it would be too complicated to assess their income. Which is b*ll***s. They could use self assessment. '
Ok so somebody who has taken it all in. Can anyone explain what position, as sole traders with 1-2 employees for example, we stand in?
Can we get this 80% employee pay thing? Do we get anything or is it tough s**t, they’re looking after the big employers?
Thanks in advance

Cheers all, Saturday night :)
Can we claim benefits. Because of virus. They are talking about helping people.
Go online to your mortgage provider and cancel this and the next two months mortgage payments you get no penalties for this and it does not effect your credit rating , you can also apply for £94.50 a week sick pay right now , I’m hoping in the next few days they release more information about a better deal for sole traders but right now these are your top priorities mate
Ok so somebody who has taken it all in. Can anyone explain what position, as sole traders with 1-2 employees for example, we stand in?
Can we get this 80% employee pay thing? Do we get anything or is it tough s**t, they’re looking after the big employers?
Thanks in advance
I was reading similar comment on Bg earlier today there was a guy that said your employees will get the 80% but you won’t mate there is a helpline to 0800 0195559 that’s direct to help self employed get the info and help straight away
Not get much driving a van.

I saw one cheeky c**t offering a tenner for hgv 1 a couple of days ago.

Vans is minimum wage.
It was putting food on the table, I had some good plastering contracts on the go and was making a good lump of money then it all went tits up in about a week, I sat it out for a few weeks and a pal of mine offered me a job at £360 a week, I did it 3 months, it wasn't really the money as I wasn't skint it was more the sence of purpose getting up in a morning.
Ok so somebody who has taken it all in. Can anyone explain what position, as sole traders with 1-2 employees for example, we stand in?
Can we get this 80% employee pay thing? Do we get anything or is it tough s**t, they’re looking after the big employers?
Thanks in advance
As I understand it, its the same wether you've 50 on your books or 1,as It was only announced on Friday night, so Im waiting for my accountant to be back in on Monday morning for clarity.there was all sorts announced i.e. Vat breaks or corporation tax breaks, cis returns etc they all effect me but deferring this and that, I'm avoiding the double senerio next time around.
Go online to your mortgage provider and cancel this and the next two months mortgage payments you get no penalties for this and it does not effect your credit rating , you can also apply for £94.50 a week sick pay right now , I’m hoping in the next few days they release more information about a better deal for sole traders but right now these are your top priorities mate
You could get a mortgage holiday b4 this happened!! If you pay 9 consecutive months u get a month holiday! Its nowt new at all
As I understand it, its the same wether you've 50 on your books or 1,as It was only announced on Friday night, so Im waiting for my accountant to be back in on Monday morning for clarity.there was all sorts announced i.e. Vat breaks or corporation tax breaks, cis returns etc they all effect me but deferring this and that, I'm avoiding the double senerio next time around.
I advise anyon not to put paymets back i poss
As I understand it, its the same wether you've 50 on your books or 1,as It was only announced on Friday night, so Im waiting for my accountant to be back in on Monday morning for clarity.there was all sorts announced i.e. Vat breaks or corporation tax breaks, cis returns etc they all effect me but deferring this and that, I'm avoiding the double senerio next time around.
It's ok cancelling payments now! Then being f**k*d nxt year wen got to be paid twice..all those people charging £150 a room is guna hit them now,people dragging rates down for every other self worth plasterer..if we go down we go down,but I've a fighting chance because we've charged a good amount wen working
Go online to your mortgage provider and cancel this and the next two months mortgage payments you get no penalties for this and it does not effect your credit rating , you can also apply for £94.50 a week sick pay right now , I’m hoping in the next few days they release more information about a better deal for sole traders but right now these are your top priorities mate
They'll be over it and I can't see them dragging payments out, I guess it will be clearer next week. The crump of comfort is it won't be like normal dealing with hmrc i.e. Being passed around when you dealing with them, it effects millions of people so you think they'd be all over it.
It's ok cancelling payments now! Then being f**k*d nxt year wen got to be paid twice..all those people charging £150 a room is guna hit them now,people dragging rates down for every other self worth plasterer..if we go down we go down,but I've a fighting chance because we've charged a good amount wen working
Its not bout that . Its about living by your means .
It's ok cancelling payments now! Then being f**k*d nxt year wen got to be paid twice..all those people charging £150 a room is guna hit them now,people dragging rates down for every other self worth plasterer..if we go down we go down,but I've a fighting chance because we've charged a good amount wen working
That's what I said the double senerio.
People still need somewhere to live etc, still going to need massive amounts of new builds and the like, mortgages are cheap. it’s not like recession of the 90s when interest rates were 12% or 2008 went banks went bust, or maybe I’m a glass half full sort of fella and not doom mongering. If plastering doesn’t pay the bills, do something else. In 2009 I had to go van driving for a living when I lost plastering contracts on new builds.
I think yous are not looking at the facts economicaly.there has been nothing like this since the second world war.any recession you have seen is a walk in the you realise what % of uk gdp he has just pumped in,and he aint finished. The usa is looking at a 25% fall back and thats conservative with the virus not even any where what it will do.its a depression not a recession we are looking at.please dig me up in a couple of weeks and lets see where we are please,or a month i will love to apologise.their is not one reputable economic reporter saying this is like anything since the great depression that started in1929.