mp75/thistle projection

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cheers dude got a big mono spray waiting for for the slicker tried to use it instead of spatting with mono and lasted about 1.5mins before it went back in the tool shed. Not great at that to be honest but have ruled bonding with it lol. I think it's probably does what it says and is a fine tool for 'slicking' fine down or thick basecoats when you don't wanna scrape back ready for thin top coat
I sold another one to a bloke using mono and he said that at first he thought it was sheeite but after a few tries he loved it. He says its a cross between a spat and a derby.
Would be good for OCR when sponging finish. You could use it to rule high spots and leave it ready for floating with no filling.
its a bit like when you are rubbing sand and cement up and you need a short piece of battern to take the high spots or slumps of the wall. Only its a wide wedge piece of aluminium and you can use it when the material is wet. You can spread the excess material around easier with this compared to a spat or feather edge.
used the thistle projection today. only a couple of bags by hand. troweled up pretty nice. see what u mean about it stiffening a lot quicker than the mp75. found it went a bit more bubbly initially tho.
Two trowels Nick, one to flatten the fat, then another wet one and leave it, cut any bubbles off with a flash over when set and that's as good as it gets mate.
yeah thats what i did. same as mp. it ended up nice just seemed to bubble a lot at the start. i use mp all the time now. 2 coating is for mugs :-)
layed it on by hand because of site issues but it seems nice material to trowel. I used the plastic trowel and found it ok until the end of the set when u notice a few scratches and stuff. i tried polishing them out and it was flaking away.
i reckon it would be much easier to spray it on then have more time to trowel
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