Hi all,
Just thought i would let you know about my mug printing
Mugs are great ways to promote your company either by giving them away to customers or simply using them on your jobs... here are a few that I have done in the past
https://s648.photobucket.com/user/DannyCutts/media/Mucking Fugs/20120713_181331.jpg.html
https://s648.photobucket.com/user/DannyCutts/media/Mucking Fugs/20120209_214018.jpg.html
https://s648.photobucket.com/user/DannyCutts/media/Mucking Fugs/20120406_113141.jpg.html
https://s648.photobucket.com/user/DannyCutts/media/Mucking Fugs/20120216_184459.jpg.html
If you order 12 or mugs they are £3.50 a mug and that covers all graphic layouts ect and then there is a courier charge on top which is about £10
Me printing mugs for money means I can then afford to give away more TPF mugs
Let me know if you are interested
I will also do one off mugs and they are £7.50 each
and that includes the rip off price of postage which is now £2.60 to post a fricken mug :-(
Just thought i would let you know about my mug printing

Mugs are great ways to promote your company either by giving them away to customers or simply using them on your jobs... here are a few that I have done in the past
https://s648.photobucket.com/user/DannyCutts/media/Mucking Fugs/20120713_181331.jpg.html
https://s648.photobucket.com/user/DannyCutts/media/Mucking Fugs/20120209_214018.jpg.html
https://s648.photobucket.com/user/DannyCutts/media/Mucking Fugs/20120406_113141.jpg.html
https://s648.photobucket.com/user/DannyCutts/media/Mucking Fugs/20120216_184459.jpg.html
If you order 12 or mugs they are £3.50 a mug and that covers all graphic layouts ect and then there is a courier charge on top which is about £10

Me printing mugs for money means I can then afford to give away more TPF mugs

Let me know if you are interested

I will also do one off mugs and they are £7.50 each
