
Fellow spreads.

Sorry Im a bit of a drifter on this site.
I seem to write a post once every year or so haha

Sorry Im not quite as commited you lot and it maybe cheeky posting a thread but have a real headache with multi finish at the moment that Im hoping that you can help me with.

Iv started to get stains/water marks almost embedded im my dry plaster.
When Iv done my final passes it looks pucca. When its brown and drying it looks mint but as soon as it dries these white marks start to appear in it. Sometimes can be alot worse than other areas.

It looks like water marks but its smooth and flat and you cant feel them.
Iv tried swapping my 10 year old mt for my 6 month old mt. Iv tried stopping using nela s*p*r*lex for final pass, started using nela max for final pass, using less water, using more water and nope marks still there when dried.

I definitly dont trowel it to earlier.

Its flat, smooth and looks mint once painted, none of my builders or clients have picked up on it and are all really happy with finish but its driving me barmy that i cant stop it from happening!

Although I haven't been plastering as long as a lot of you I have been plastering 12 years now and dont recall seeing this in my finish once dry.
I have only really noticed it happening in the past few months/ this year.

Like I say, its flat, smooth and when its brown the marks are not in it at all, just when dry.
Its the heat we have had and multi is shite