Murder of plaster

Sorry to disappoint you mate but I feel for @Vincey on this one.
I had a whole load of my work wreaked by a bunch of Latvian Muppets a few years ago. The project manager (who is a tit) even put the pictures up on here trying (and succeeding) to get people to slag my work of. The next day when I asked him to explain how all the painted walls and ceilings looked utter shite, but all the bare plastered ones looked spot on he was a bit lost for words.
One reason I don’t comment on general public posts on here anymore


  • Murder of plaster
    52.5 KB · Views: 185
Sums up my luck always let down 99.9% of the time


  • Murder of plaster
    46.4 KB · Views: 158
  • Murder of plaster
    25.5 KB · Views: 160