my fellow s**t spreaders

Dont do 29ers. Seem to catch me toes on wheels on turns doh.
Went out few times this week . Trails are drying nice
Trails are mint now . Shame some t**t beat a farmer up on the peaks . Now there's drowns all over the place
Sorry lads bike chat got a bit dry, so.
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Since I've downed tools I don't know what day I'm on,I've ordered a load of masonry paint anyway the missus wants me to paint the roughcast render a new colour,I don't mind need something to do plus I'll clear the guttering out while I'm up there, then I'll get back on the trampoline with my mad b*****d of a son


  • my fellow s**t spreaders
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getting up for a shite speak to u all later /and stop worrying
Since I've downed tools I don't know what day I'm on,I've ordered a load of masonry paint anyway the missus wants me to paint the roughcast render a new colour,I don't mind need something to do plus I'll clear the guttering out while I'm up there, then I'll get back on the trampoline with my mad b*****d of a son
put trampoline tight to wall give the boy a brush and paint and away he goes job done
tell me andy what stops a thatched roof from going on fire
Not setting light to it seemed to work well Norm.
Guy from our insurance company said that house fires were less common in thatched properties than those with tiled roofs, as those that live in thatched properties are more careful.
It was the worst job I've ever done stripping that thatch off.
Not setting light to it seemed to work well Norm.
Guy from our insurance company said that house fires were less common in thatched properties than those with tiled roofs, as those that live in thatched properties are more careful.
It was the worst job I've ever done stripping that thatch off.
does it burn like straw