National hate service

I have read that NHS staff have threatened to stop treating patients if they do not have PPE.
I do not believe it to be true but if so should we have a day in the week where we can boo and hiss at these people?

my partner is working 26 hour shifts

you just want attention
read it like a book
your wife was fuckig
Behave. It's not personal.
Read what I put up and debate without getting emotionally involved.

your family left you because your an arshole tapit

so you come on here with a whiskey in you thinking your hard....

what did you do tapit ??
I have read that NHS staff have threatened to stop treating patients if they do not have PPE.
I do not believe it to be true but if so should we have a day in the week where we can boo and hiss at these people?
Fooking hell cmon man
The s**t they pump out is all fake for the masses
Throw away your tv radio & papers

Your welcome
I know you deleted it and I know what it said, I’m asking you “why” you deleted it!
Because he’s on the s*x offenders register! Was the post about kids he got taken off the decorator forum for something similar! Repeat offender! Don’t quote me just what I heard he’s a nonce (y)
Boo and hiss the NHS....I've heard it all now and if they dont have adequate protection they should absolutely refuse to treat, they have families too

Are you an avid reader of the Daily Mail / Daily Express, Bart?

Big fan of Piers Morgan / Katie Hopkins...?

I read all the newspapers online from the star to the FT...why

...because you seem to enjoy getting on your high horse about what people on the forum and stories in the media say.

I'm not saying that to insult you. It's just an observation.

Certain elements of the mainstream media actively push controversial narratives that they know will appeal to people's sense of righteous indignation. They know their target audience will fall for this manipulation time and time again.