Naughty media - Coronavirus Covid19

A very good friend of mines brother served in the military police for over 20 years and was in sib for majority of it, we got chatting one night when he was visiting and conspiracy theories came up and his exact words were “what makes you think the conspiracy theorists are the crazy ones?” When pressed a bit further he said if it seems to crazy to be true it probably is true. Still to this day it makes me stop and think and make my own mind up on things before just taking the word of someone or something especially the media
I've often thought of the 'cry wolf' fable. So many conspiracy theories out there clouding our judgement. So many may well be true.
1% of the top 1% prob own 95 % of the worlds wealth and resources. Why would you sanely expect it to be set up to benefit those at the bottom? we are always fighting over the scraps at best
1% of the top 1% prob own 95 % of the worlds wealth and resources. Why would you sanely expect it to be set up to benefit those at the bottom? we are always fighting over the scraps at best
You can’t, if this was a 100m sprint majority would start 100m behind the start line the 1% you talk of would already be 20m past the finish line. The only way to level the playing field would be to rely on the 10% tipping point though it won’t happen because as a species we fear change and are happy sheep
We are led to believe footballers are wealthy and you must have a few bob if you drive a range rover. Bless us. those at the top will have trillions
And our queen who will address us tonite who will be "in it together with is "according to the Forbes rich list is worth a mere 300 million. Not a chance

She owns something like 80% of the uk land surface... she is one of the 1% of the 1%
I'm not able to verify them yet, but there are rumours that she may be losing a big chunk of her wealth this year.

Time will tell.
What purpose was mentioning they were G**?

they are 2 G** men both doctors
working at the victoria hospital in blackpool.
with an adopted little boy.
there both working crazy hours
split between them
worried about there child

why are you so interested.
they are 2 G** men both doctors
working at the victoria hospital in blackpool.
with an adopted little boy.
there both working crazy hours
split between them
worried about there child

why are you so interested.

Liquorice all sorts for tea Alf
Joking aside... to be fair.. he did sorta have a legit point.

Not goin' all serious - just giving credit where it's due.

The joking's funny too, though! (y)

Don't take it to heart, tapit!

they are 2 G** men both doctors
working at the victoria hospital in blackpool.
with an adopted little boy.
there both working crazy hours
split between them
worried about there child

why are you so interested.
I am not now , my attention span only lasts for about twenty mins.
Nothing against gays and you can call me whatever you want but check out your picture sitting astride a lion, camp does not come close to describing it Larry.
I didn't realise. Sorry. My sister came out as G** a few months ago. Her husband left her and now lives in a bedsit and works in asda. She's moved her lesbian lover in, who is twenty five years younger, and is now happy. Live and let live.
hes gonna die
Don't want anyone to die, but just for you algee
Naughty media - Coronavirus Covid19