Need a few questions answered help would be great

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Hi i am doing a rendering job soon i usually do the ocational bit of rendering but this is for a friend so doing most of his little house.
Anyways the the total area is 60m2 and here are my questions
1) There is painted render on the walls some is damaged some is ok, can you go over painted render?
and if so what steps do i take?
2) if you cant go over it should i just chip it back to the bloke work?
3) How much sand and cement should i order to cover 60m2 ?
4) what is every1s mix they use? I usaully do 4 sand 1 sharp sand 1 cement and 1 waterproofer for scratch coat and 3 snd 1 cement 1 lime for top coat is this what others use if not your formulas please?

thank you so much graham
the top coat has to be the same mix or weaker than the scratch. never stronger. there are modern thincoat systems that can be used over old render, i dont know enough about them myself but some of the lads on here do.
I got a similar job to do and have never used any modern renders neither

I f*ckin hate rendering
yeh i hate rendering too but i have promised my mate so cant let him down.
are you going to hack the render off back to the brick then?
over painted render if sound Id disc cut to score and use parex maite with fibreglass mesh in it and key as normal to receive top coat.
Cheers i think the render will jus fall over if i disc cut them so im jus gonna hack it of to brick work scratch coat walls and then top coat.
How much sand and cement should i order to cover 60m2 ?
And what is everyones prefered mix,5345.0.html
everything you ever wanted to know about mix ratios...

60m of render at say 15 millimeteeerrrrs...

60x0.015=0.9 cubic meters....

which is about a ton and a half, of sand....

at a ratio of 3:1 with cement

seeing as cement comes in 25kg bags...

is about



errrr.... 60 bags....

god thats a lot... ???

sod it, just get 20 bags and pick somne more up if you run out....
60m2 @15mm
1.5 ton sand
12 cement
5 lime
5:1 scratch
6:1:1 top coat

just my opinion though..
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