Nela plasticflex / plazi



  • Nela plasticflex / plazi
    478.1 KB · Views: 330
G** trowel that serves no purpose!!!

You're probably right but I do like to try new things. I can do a set with mtown start to finish we all can. just fine can get on it sooner with them there plastic tings.................. so at pub quicker
G** trowel that serves no purpose!!!
You're probably right but I do like to try new things. I can do a set with mtown start to finish we all can. just fine can get on it sooner with them there plastic tings.................. so at pub quicker

That's just it though you can't and don't achieve f**k all..

Just a early bullshit trowel that still needs a steel trowel after to be safe
G** trowel that serves no purpose!!!

That's just it though you can't and don't achieve f**k all..

Just a early bullshit trowel that still needs a steel trowel after to be safe

Dunno mate..

Put on tidy with steel, lay straight in with steel, quick blast with speedskim, finish with plastic done.

Oh my god who AM I
Mega till painted imo

Yeah, there is that. When using a steel you can feel or see when things are going wrong or need a bit more work. Using plastic can fool you, can look bang on but it isn't.

The reason plastics can cause a poor painted finish is you're working it while wet, so if not careful can get them ripples...

Way I've found works is to put it on with steel tidy, lay it straight down, then use the speedskim to flatten off. At this point the work isn't far off. Then have 2 choices, wait around to use steel or use a plastic and finish it there and then. It's been laid on real tight so isn't much room to create ripples now but still carefull with light pressure. I paint my work regularly and is bang on.

Problem is only takes one little thing to bug me and i'm back to steel as this is what i learned with. alot of spreads banging massive gauges use the speedskims I know that for a fact.

Each to their own, all the matters is the end result is good. I'm just after the fastest way

pissed up now chattng waffle
I’ve used the plastic a lot, couldn’t get on with the Nela max, felt it was to stiff compared to the rifina. You can’t use the top edge of the Nela as you can with the rifina, come in handy between door facings a switches. So felt that was a negative also. Mines was also scratched from day 1. Shouldn’t be needing to sand down a new plastic. One of the corners was digging in also when Cross troweling. Had to bend it back so it never marked the wall :rolleyes:
Haha! well others like it bud so see how ya get on. You might like it an get on good with it. Everyone’s different in this game as ya know. So use it an give a verdict
Haha! well others like it bud so see how ya get on. You might like it an get on good with it. Everyone’s different in this game as ya know. So use it an give a verdict

I actually rate the plazi flex highly though.. only reason for buying this was plazi scratches so easy... so buy this on and it’s scratched up before even used it. b*ll***s
Yes me also, I had high expectations for the Nela max but just never worked out for me. Not picked it up since. See how ya get on
Pulled medi out van today . Had to drag a few hours out job to justify a day so thought i.d hav a play. Thought i.d just cross with it . Think its stoleme heart lol .