New job


Well-Known Member
Aplied for a job online. On the cards ect. Just for the crack. They wanted to know everything under the sun about me .even if I was transgender. I said how dare you my names not Andy G .anyway got turned down no reason. Wife thinks there being agest. It was multi trade plastering.job. I think it was repairs on housing association homes
Aplied for a job online. On the cards ect. Just for the crack. They wanted to know everything under the sun about me .even if I was transgender. I said how dare you my names not Andy G .anyway got turned down no reason. Wife thinks there being agest. It was multi trade plastering.job. I think it was repairs on housing association homes
What was that paying per hour I bet they wanted you to know every trade for £12 lol.
Mate gets 11 or 12 quid per hour doing multi skill
Has to plaster is a time served tiler and has to plumb and has plumbing quals. Joke
What ever your paying a trade cards in, so that’s plus 22 days a year holiday plus bank holidays plus national insurance plus pension contributions of 4% plus employers insurance plus accountant fees to process a weekly wage, plus a van plus fuel plus insurance... I could go on what ever your paying cards in your nearly costing the same again,and all that’s just to break even before they even earn you a penny.
It has never been as costly to employ people to think other wise, is naive at best.
What ever your paying a trade cards in, so that’s plus 22 days a year holiday plus bank holidays plus national insurance plus pension contributions of 4% plus employers insurance plus accountant fees to process a weekly wage, plus a van plus fuel plus insurance... I could go on what ever your paying cards in your nearly costing the same again,and all that’s just to break even before they even earn you a penny.
It has never been as costly to employ people to think other wise, is naive at best.

At £12 an hour all they have to do is turn up and go home....

I think if a lot of people worked out what they really earn an hour they would feel sick