New Tools to buy? And more

Roof battens, please tell me you're not serious?
Tried few different methods, ct1 pboard in Web dab out from there, 3" x 2" or 4" x 2" same as roof batten method, but I find roof battens (red ones 50 x 25 mm) work the best as hammer in flush with edges of rsj, tack a pboad onto them the double it up with another pboard.
9 out of 10 times the builders have got the steel in pissed so end up having to dab the second layer of pboard to the first then half tack through with longer screws, then nip them up when the dabs gone off.
New Kraft margin, the old Kraft one must be 15 year old now. I recon I use one every day - that must have earned some £££
New Tools to buy? And more