@lucius yes you should really edit that picture but its worth putting the letter on here as it does have good info.
NICs are not really optional, as I understand it. If you pay tax (which we all should) then we have to pay some kind of NICs. I think it was started as a way of providing state benefits for anyone that needed them, because, of course, at the time most people did work and want to contribute to the country.
What has brought it to its knees is the unemployment and more pensioners... what a drain they are!:RpS_biggrin:
If you have a gap and you want a full pension then you are invited to make the voluntary contribution. I have to say that letter does almost intimate you can pay if ya like!
I believe that graduated pension payments that were stopped in your payslip at one time (u-oh... age alert), became combined with NICs on the onset of opting in and opting out of state pensions, when all the rage was for your employer to have a pension fund.
Well, we all know what happened to them! I worked for an insurance company wayyyy back. Everyone was buying personal pensions, endowment mortgage policies, company pension plans... great ideas until the investments all went kapput
I hope
@Danny you are investing wisely :RpS_cool:. Hope you get your tax problem sorted (maybe you need a new accountant