@Danny this is the problem, maybe something for the plasterers news if things are gonna change it needs to start here
the trade is ****** up coz of what pudove describes, it needs looking at and a few of the main bodies need to come together for the sake of the trade, it's being watered down so much even as far as the trade breaking up into categories. It's at the point now where we need to go back to journeymen, these kids need paying for, coz I'm not training anyone soon because it's not worth it, it's no benefit in money and I have to pay to train them. I'm not prepared to pay a lad in college learning nothing beneficial to me, if they were free for four years I would have one. when I trained with the council in the eighties they got us for nothing, so that's what needs to happen. Build more council houses by apprentices is kills two birds with one stone.