Old adhesive coming through


New Member
Hi all just wondering what you would do if old black sticky tile adhesive started to show through after bond and multi finish?

Many thanks
Removed as much as possible but now thinking it needs reskimmed or a coat of sealer?.if put sealer on and it doesn't work can it then be reskimmed. Large area. Thanks. Any advice appreciated
I`ve used aluminium paint in the past to stop it coming thru.

Old school tip before skimming is to PVA and then "paper" with tinfoil - stops the tar coming through
Loads of it in old Glasgow tenements
Thanks for your replies. I'm reluctant to dot after a bond and skim? In hindsight that may have been the better option. It's like evo stick or something . Tarry and black. What a day . Its bled through so thought I'd ask your opinions on my next move.