Opened bag of multifinish

wooo calm down little man ,Where does it come from then? Last time I checked it came from rocks underground you full blown little pleb
wooo calm down little man ,Where does it come from then? Last time I checked it came from rocks underground you full blown little pleb
I’m calm if anything it cracks me up hearing such uneducated nonsense especially on a “help” forum
I’m fairly sure your BS stands for Bull s**t

Why don’t you go and educate yourself and ask gypsum what the manufacturing process is?!
I’m calm if anything it cracks me up hearing such uneducated nonsense especially on a “help” forum
I’m fairly sure your BS stands for Bull s**t

Why don’t you go and educate yourself and ask gypsum what the manufacturing process is?!
No as I stated before it means big shlong ask your mother she knows ✊ and I’m pretty sure I’m right that it comes out the ground it’s mined from rocks out of the GROUND so what are you getting at again you sound like a right f**k**g pleb calm down sweetheart your gunna get yourself worked up
No as I stated before it means big shlong ask your mother she knows ✊ and I’m pretty sure I’m right that it comes out the ground it’s mined from rocks out of the GROUND so what are you getting at again you sound like a right f**k**g pleb calm down sweetheart your gunna get yourself worked up
You gonna give yourself a heart attack if you carry on mr angry BS
Think you need to see an anger management forum ..., you in the wrong chat room
I was told big rocks of gypsum were broken up and in the centre was plaster of Paris , Egyptians I assume , then some bright spark managed to use the leftovers
Probably crap and irrelevant
I assume mf has additives not so healthy but likely to be a mineral ( again from the ground )

Regardless it all goes on my compost heap with pony crap , leaf litter , burnt clean wood , lime render etc

All irrelevant , send pics of the big shlong for verification to @JessThePlasterer
That’s what I tried explaining to holly (sorry I mean olly) but he got very emotional over the whole thing either way it comes from the ground so I’m correct and he’s just a nob jockey and of course, verification is a very serious thing.. I will forward them on when I need a piss it’s usually slightly bigger then
That’s what I tried explaining to holly (sorry I mean olly) but he got very emotional over the whole thing either way it comes from the ground so I’m correct and he’s just a nob jockey and of course, verification is a very serious thing.. I will forward them on when I need a piss it’s usually slightly bigger then
Mix a bit up and see what happens.

Doesn’t always flash set, but it doesn’t always trowel up like fresh gear either.

Used a few old bags I had during first lockdown on a couple of small jobs. Was ok, but you can tell the difference.