overboarding ceilings

  • Thread starter Thread starter spunkybum
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what do you all think about using 9.5mm on 400 centres?...........please lie ive boarded 3 and skimmed 1 :-[
its overboard.. i wouldnt bother me ass at all..
not too long ago every builder was using 3/8 for ceilings, walls the lot.. on 600 ctrs ;D
whats 3/8 ........25 quid ......is that a quarter ;D.......shitying meself ive always used 9.5mm and can feel the movement even on 400 centres .......only found out today you should use 12.5mm ..then rang my old boss and said he's had to use 6mm board at times and stop worrying :-\
I'm sitting here now looking up at a ceiling which I overboarded a good few years ago with 9.5mm board, and it's still perfect to this day. And it's holding up the old l&p ceiling underneath that was cracking and sagging all over the place - I couldn't be bothered with the mess of dropping the old ceiling so just overboarded it as a 'temporary' job!!
ye i use liquid nail me self
rockhardsolidplastering said:
when overboarding if theres no wallpaper i always knock a bit of wetish drywall adhesive and put small dabs on back of board works a treat
when your working predominently on ur own you dont wanna be carting 8x4x12.5's around.So unless told otherwise or ceiling is really out of level i use 9.5 's.if there screwed up there wont be a problem on 400 or 600 centres.Well i aint had no comebacks anyhow!!
I don't like using 9.5mm to be honest, find them bit flimsy but they do have their uses especially overboarding ceilings up to cornice, normally fits just nice to leave the cornice lip showing. They also bend nice!
600 centres for 12.5 and 400 for 9.5 boards so it even meets the spec for the boards. Only problem with 9.5 boards is that they follow the joists so take care when skimming. In the good old days the 9.5 handiboard was the one that got used for most things and I can't remember how many I overboarded.
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