Painting in cold weather

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We put a second coat of paint on some wet dash yesterday (first coat of paint went on wendsday) - got up this morning and the place is white with frost:RpS_scared:
It was a nice mild day yesterday so wasn't expecting this. Any idea what will happen?
depends what time of day you did this

masonry paint should be dry after couple of hours and then will be fine...
you wont have a problem with that, as already stated masonry paint will dry really quick, i can get a second coat on after a couple of hours of putting the first on it sets that quick!
not if it was sandtex masonary paint its s**t it doesent expand & contract ie it F*****g cracks looks s**t me i only use pliolite resin dear thouw 15 year garaentee mixed 2 any colour u want :RpS_thumbup: can be put on in light rain aswell :RpS_thumbup:
I felt better after reading the first two replies, but seein as I ve used sandtex ................. :RpS_crying:
Bin ta look atit and it looks ok, will have to wait n see.
im not jokin mate sandtex is crap its for diyers it will look okay this year but after a good winter it will crack beacause it doesent expand & contract use gliddion pliolite resin or leyland johnsons pliolite its dear but good stuff u can second coat in about 3 hours & in light rain :RpS_thumbsup:
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