Pamic buying materials yet?

What's next weeks lotto numbers matey boy?
If you have any possible reason why the curve of the graph would be different among the same population 2nd time around then we're all ears tapit.
If the customer is happy to pay that what’s the problem
approx 20 years ago did a huge gable end, after scaffold/skips/materials/labour etc paid out, i was left with a profit of 3,400 quid for 3 days work, everything went fine, the weather held up,no problems at all,......but instead of using that money wisely, e.g. put some away into savings/rainy day account, ... i was a weekend millionaire, and although i did not totally waste it , i could have and should have invested better, ......... but anyhooooooooo you learn dont you
If you have any possible reason why the curve of the graph would be different among the same population 2nd time around then we're all ears tapit.
Nobody cares only you, i simply don't know.
That's easy for me to say, try it.
Nobody cares only you, i simply don't know.
That's easy for me to say, try it.
Why comment on it then? The curve will be exactly the same mate. Same virus, same population. Engage brain
Nobody cares only you, i simply don't know.
That's easy for me to say, try it.

Why comment on it then? The curve will be exactly the same mate. Same virus, same population. Engage brain

How condescending.

There's a very small minority of people on TPF who've been lording it over the rest of us, for the past few months, pompously declaring that their's is the only 'valid' viewpoint, and implying (sometimes actually declaring) that anyone who strays outside of that 'valid' (mainstream media 'authorised') viewpoint must be a crackpot or stupid, or just not looking carefully enough at the alleged 'data' that has been fed to us via the mainstream media. Yes, there are some people who are on the other side of the fence from you, who may feel just as 'certain' as you, about their viewpoint, but there are many others who lie somewhere in between the two polarities, yet are being just as mocked for not believing wholly in the mainstream narrative.

tapit comes in for a lot of flak on TPF - some of it, perhaps, deserved, on occasion, but I'm standing up for him, in this particular instance. He has had the honesty and personal integrity to admit that he doesn't absolutely know for certain what the truth is about many of the claims and counterclaims regarding current events. Just because the telly or the papers state something to be true, doesn't prove that it is true. It may be, or it may be only partially true, or it may be honestly in error, or perhaps it may not be true at all.

In my view, it is more 'valid' to admit that one cannot be absolutely certain about something than it is to assume that one absolutely does have the full truth about something. It takes courage to admit uncertainty, because humans tend to find uncertainty unsettling. When certain people become highly convinced about something, they will sometimes make a leap of logic into believing that this naturally equates to it actually being true.

I posted this a few days ago and it remains relevant:



Fundamentalism .... indicates unwavering attachment to a set of irreducible beliefs.[1] However, fundamentalism has come to be applied to a tendency among certain groups – mainly, although not exclusively, in religion – that is characterized by a markedly strict literalism as it is applied to certain specific scriptures, dogmas, or ideologies, and a strong sense of the importance of maintaining ingroup and outgroup distinctions,[2][3][4][5] leading to an emphasis on purity and the desire to return to a previous ideal from which advocates believe members have strayed. Rejection of diversity of opinion as applied to these established "fundamentals" and their accepted interpretation within the group often results from this tendency.


Apologies to innocent TPFers for this wordy post!
YEEEES, but you do know covid has an incubation period?
For two people to catch it at the same time and to fall ill at the same time and to be hospitalised at the same time is a little unusual.
No it's not, its actually quite likely - married couples, flat shares, lodgers, workmates in the same van,,etc etc. In my highly unscientific cynical view, there's no such thing as a circuit breaker and it ain't gonna work. What it will do is screw the economy.
Spitting Image now have the problem that Boris and Dominant are more ridiculous than they could dream up - 95% mortgages (as per 2008 crash) and housebuilding on all land in the south will save the UK economy. I can just imagine a waiter trying to serve muck and bricks up to a un-trainable trades gang on chancers money.
No it's not, its actually quite likely - married couples, flat shares, lodgers, workmates in the same van,,etc etc. In my highly unscientific cynical view, there's no such thing as a circuit breaker and it ain't gonna work. What it will do is screw the economy.
Spitting Image now have the problem that Boris and Dominant are more ridiculous than they could dream up - 95% mortgages (as per 2008 crash) and housebuilding on all land in the south will save the UK economy. I can just imagine a waiter trying to serve muck and bricks up to a un-trainable trades gang on chancers money.
You got a bit excited with that post?
How condescending.

There's a very small minority of people on TPF who've been lording it over the rest of us, for the past few months, pompously declaring that their's is the only 'valid' viewpoint, and implying (sometimes actually declaring) that anyone who strays outside of that 'valid' (mainstream media 'authorised') viewpoint must be a crackpot or stupid, or just not looking carefully enough at the alleged 'data' that has been fed to us via the mainstream media. Yes, there are some people who are on the other side of the fence from you, who may feel just as 'certain' as you, about their viewpoint, but there are many others who lie somewhere in between the two polarities, yet are being just as mocked for not believing wholly in the mainstream narrative.

tapit comes in for a lot of flak on TPF - some of it, perhaps, deserved, on occasion, but I'm standing up for him, in this particular instance. He has had the honesty and personal integrity to admit that he doesn't absolutely know for certain what the truth is about many of the claims and counterclaims regarding current events. Just because the telly or the papers state something to be true, doesn't prove that it is true. It may be, or it may be only partially true, or it may be honestly in error, or perhaps it may not be true at all.

In my view, it is more 'valid' to admit that one cannot be absolutely certain about something than it is to assume that one absolutely does have the full truth about something. It takes courage to admit uncertainty, because humans tend to find uncertainty unsettling. When certain people become highly convinced about something, they will sometimes make a leap of logic into believing that this naturally equates to it actually being true.

I posted this a few days ago and it remains relevant:



Fundamentalism .... indicates unwavering attachment to a set of irreducible beliefs.[1] However, fundamentalism has come to be applied to a tendency among certain groups – mainly, although not exclusively, in religion – that is characterized by a markedly strict literalism as it is applied to certain specific scriptures, dogmas, or ideologies, and a strong sense of the importance of maintaining ingroup and outgroup distinctions,[2][3][4][5] leading to an emphasis on purity and the desire to return to a previous ideal from which advocates believe members have strayed. Rejection of diversity of opinion as applied to these established "fundamentals" and their accepted interpretation within the group often results from this tendency.


Apologies to innocent TPFers for this wordy post!
Its not TV and media its data and SAGE.
I'm not reading the daily mail and thinking oh yes this must be right as its in the paper.
Its widely known that the curve is going to take the same shape as the previous one for deaths. And at this point last time deaths increased at a rapid rate and so they will again
Its not TV and media its data and SAGE.
I'm not reading the daily mail and thinking oh yes this must be right as its in the paper.
Its widely known that the curve is going to take the same shape as the previous one for deaths. And at this point last time deaths increased at a rapid rate and so they will again
Who has stated that the curve will take the same shape?
IF it does then the lessons already learned, the wearing of masks , the lockdowns do not work.
If it takes the same shape everthing we are doing is a waste of time, yes?
It's not enough to argue without a reasoned and thought out idea.
You will have to change your name for a third time.
Who has stated that the curve will take the same shape?
IF it does then the lessons already learned, the wearing of masks , the lockdowns do not work.
If it takes the same shape everthing we are doing is a waste of time, yes?
It's not enough to argue without a reasoned and thought out idea.
You will have to change your name for a third time.
The small lockdowns aren't working that's been proven. 19 of the 20 areas with increased lockdown measures have seen transmission continue to rise. Masks have been shown to only have a small effect so won't dramatically change it.
We'll see won't we, are sage and the data analysts right or is tapit right to question then with no reasoned argument as to why. Should be interesting but my moneys on the data
The small lockdowns aren't working that's been proven. 19 of the 20 areas with increased lockdown measures have seen transmission continue to rise. Masks have been shown to only have a small effect so won't dramatically change it.
We'll see won't we, are sage and the data analysts right or is tapit right to question then with no reasoned argument as to why. Should be interesting but my moneys on the data
Glad you agreed in the end.
Pamic buying materials yet?
How condescending.

There's a very small minority of people on TPF who've been lording it over the rest of us, for the past few months, pompously declaring that their's is the only 'valid' viewpoint, and implying (sometimes actually declaring) that anyone who strays outside of that 'valid' (mainstream media 'authorised') viewpoint must be a crackpot or stupid, or just not looking carefully enough at the alleged 'data' that has been fed to us via the mainstream media. Yes, there are some people who are on the other side of the fence from you, who may feel just as 'certain' as you, about their viewpoint, but there are many others who lie somewhere in between the two polarities, yet are being just as mocked for not believing wholly in the mainstream narrative.

tapit comes in for a lot of flak on TPF - some of it, perhaps, deserved, on occasion, but I'm standing up for him, in this particular instance. He has had the honesty and personal integrity to admit that he doesn't absolutely know for certain what the truth is about many of the claims and counterclaims regarding current events. Just because the telly or the papers state something to be true, doesn't prove that it is true. It may be, or it may be only partially true, or it may be honestly in error, or perhaps it may not be true at all.

In my view, it is more 'valid' to admit that one cannot be absolutely certain about something than it is to assume that one absolutely does have the full truth about something. It takes courage to admit uncertainty, because humans tend to find uncertainty unsettling. When certain people become highly convinced about something, they will sometimes make a leap of logic into believing that this naturally equates to it actually being true.

I posted this a few days ago and it remains relevant:



Fundamentalism .... indicates unwavering attachment to a set of irreducible beliefs.[1] However, fundamentalism has come to be applied to a tendency among certain groups – mainly, although not exclusively, in religion – that is characterized by a markedly strict literalism as it is applied to certain specific scriptures, dogmas, or ideologies, and a strong sense of the importance of maintaining ingroup and outgroup distinctions,[2][3][4][5] leading to an emphasis on purity and the desire to return to a previous ideal from which advocates believe members have strayed. Rejection of diversity of opinion as applied to these established "fundamentals" and their accepted interpretation within the group often results from this tendency.


Apologies to innocent TPFers for this wordy post!
Another long post that says nothing
Oooh I find myself agreeing with both Tapit and Make it Smooth,, can I be a crackpot fundamentalist please?.. go on Gissa job, I can do it, I've been reading Hector's posts,
Whoo! Doom, It;s all going to end badly,, Its all a conspiracy..More Doom....The End..etc. etc.
Actually it was 12. Guy said another 2 coming. Running out of room to store it. Our B&Q had 6+


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