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Aw I’ve been out all day at the Trafford centre. Amusing my nieces while my sister got a wedding dress. They fleeced me in the Disney shop and then we fired guns in the arcade. Not sure mum and dad approved of that but despite the youngest being four she is a complete badass and achieved alien devastation!

Hope your little man is good!
Aw I’ve been out all day at the Trafford centre. Amusing my nieces while my sister got a wedding dress. They fleeced me in the Disney shop and then we fired guns in the arcade. Not sure mum and dad approved of that but despite the youngest being four she is a complete badass and achieved alien devastation!

Hope your little man is good!

Life is good young lady xx
Bang this on xx
Aw I’ve been out all day at the Trafford centre. Amusing my nieces while my sister got a wedding dress. They fleeced me in the Disney shop and then we fired guns in the arcade. Not sure mum and dad approved of that but despite the youngest being four she is a complete badass and achieved alien devastation!

Hope your little man is good!
