parex acrylic spraying

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sexy. I know a few places that do em but PM me the contact, did you have to coat em up yerself.

some of the manufacturers will have em made up and they come in base coat.

i aint used the 0.5 yet as you know i think its pointless having a texture finish anything less than 1mm and I favour 2mm looks but sprayed it looks better more grainy like - might be tempted to giv it a whizzzzzz through the swing
Goody get some air intake/carb cleaner spray tht on the overspray and then wipe off...ffs dont get it on the finished work though lol

tidy looking job but looking at the picture where its shows the sprayed external and the primered maite have you sponge finished the maite or just troweled it nice and tight, (not criticising) i thought you would have had the basecoat finished and sponged perfectly ready for the topcoat will them ripples not show through...just an observation not a criticism , job looks mint though
Thanks butt ill try that on the overspray

Bit of criticism is welcome am learning all the time with these flatter sprayed finishes. The pics deceiving, the ripples are actually the sand grain in the maite. Very small. If it shows through though ill definitely sponge them out. They aren't everywhere just on the tightest bits next to beads. You'd never think they'd be a problem but now the finish has been on a few days and pulled in nicely ill go round and see if any are grinning through.
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didnt get the cleaner today goody but found this one over your way heres the link: About the Zest-it Oil Paint Dilutant and Brush Cleaner think they are all the same.was just wondering is the acrylic you sprayed getting a coat of paint or do you just leave it?also did you get any joins working on the scaff as your moving down does it dry out then do you get it over lapping?ive got a huge ceiling coming up in an underground carpark and the client wants buckets
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