Pink patches silicone top coat


New Member
Just put some light coloured silicone render on for a job but it appears to have pink patches.
Has anyone had this problem, I can only think there has been some rust on my bucket trowel. But pretty sure everything was clean. The silicone top have has a slight pink quarts aggregate could this be the cause?
I'll get a picture, client has not noticed it yet so fingers crossed.
Johnstones is the thickest on the market. I think this is a pigment problem and not mixed up enough.
If you've got any left over then sieve the aggregate out and paint over the bad patches with a thin coat.
johnstones are crap piss poor customer service i ordered some silicone paint and after 11 days and endless excuses i got a refund and drove to the EWI store in chessington surrey and had colour mixed for me not cheap mind £65 for 5ltrs but got the job done customer happy and i got paid,
if you can get there @T0m go there and dont use johnstones they are useless i mean sh%t.
Johnstones have been alright with me. Never quick mind you, although I did get pissed with them when selco started selling gear cheaper than I was getting it for.
To be fair i bet selco buy a lot more of it than you, so there buying rate will be a lot less.