Pinning render mesh


Apologies in advance for the dumb question. I'm getting a wall rendered over existing and one of the people quoting suggested pinning render mesh to the existing render. Stupidly, I forgot to ask him what this meant so now I'm curious.

What pins are used and how are they applied?
Metallic lath mesh can be mechanically fixed to wall. But render mesh is bedded into the render base coat , that's why it's called render mesh .
Apologies in advance for the dumb question. I'm getting a wall rendered over existing and one of the people quoting suggested pinning render mesh to the existing render. Stupidly, I forgot to ask him what this meant so now I'm curious.

What pins are used and how are they applied?


It almost takes the existing render out of the equation. Bites the system onto the substrate behind.

Mechanically fixing through the said existing render.