plasterboard hoist gumtree

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Well-Known Member
Theres one for sale in Ayrshire £50 bargain also someones selling 3/4 of a bag of dab ******* bargain at £2 !
Very...using one tomorrow only two ceilings,probably only 14 sheets...but no lab for me so handy as fook.:RpS_thumbup:..even if i did have lab i'd still be using it.
Its my brothers...but ive erm,, got it on long term think he paid bout 90 quid for it new a couple years ago?

Its not a brand name,, dont know what make it is tbh but does the job
Its my brothers...but ive erm,, got it on long term think he paid bout 90 quid for it new a couple years ago?

Its not a brand name,, dont know what make it is tbh but does the job

Is it this one me old walnut whip?

Or better still this one, looks a bit like TSS :RpS_lol:

Theres loads like that...seen one that was like a roller you screw up first then roll your gypi on to it.....feckin load off faffing a bout tbh.....
me and a lab could of had the f**k*r fully boarded by the time you tit on with that....................:RpS_laugh:
If I'm on my own in a new build I'll bang some nails into the wall about an inch below the joists, slot the edge of the board between them and the ceiling and lift - few screws in to tack the edge the Bob's your uncle.. Next row I screw a couple of bits of tile lathe onto the edge of the board, lift and hook them onto the ones that are already up. Works perfect as long as there's a bit of lathe knocking about (or similar) :RpS_thumbup:
I got free samples of plastic clips that you clip to last board you put up so you can slot next in and it spaces the board. Not used them yet but seems a good idea.
plasterboard hoist gumtree
I heard they used to use a clout nail as a spacer. Never seen or done it though

They used to to do this years ago with handiboards, so skimming would go up and fold round the back - no scrim needed apparently.
i have used clout nails as a spacer when i was an apprentice cos the auld fella i was working with insisted on it. :RpS_sneaky:
They used to to do this years ago with handiboards, so skimming would go up and fold round the back - no scrim needed apparently.

The boards your thinking of were smaller than a handy board approx half the size and i found out you did not have to scrim them after completing all the lids in a 3 bed house with them and used jute scrim on all of it :RpS_cursing:
I got free samples of plastic clips that you clip to last board you put up so you can slot next in and it spaces the board. Not used them yet but seems a good idea.

I got some metal ones made up about 8 years ago , a flat bit to sit on the board thats up , a little lip on the edge of the board then a arch bit to catch the next board , slide in and clamp other side piece of piss
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