Plasterboard over fibreboard.

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New Member
Hello everyone!
This is my first post on the forum so would like to say hello.

I'm moving in PRC house soon which needs renovating.
What I realised is inside walls are lined with (I believe) fibreboards (roughly 1cm thick brown paper-like crumbly lining)
Due to lots of that old boards containing asbestos :RpS_scared: and the fact that it really needs renovation I was thinking about fitting plasterboard on it.
What should I do?
- strip wallpaper and dot and dab to fibreboard?
- remove boards and fit plasterboards to concrete?

Any ideas?
If the fibreboard contain asbestos stripping whole house will be bloody expensive..

Would appreciate any help/suggestions.

Or shall I just strip wallpaper (can I use steamer for stripping from fibreboard?)
glue and skim?
If it's the ones I'm thinking about they don't contain asbestos they are compressed wood shavings etc.

Just rip em off mate :RpS_biggrin:
these fibreboards, are they like compressed cardboard ? known as tintest or essex board. is this a trad. built house or a prefab ?
malc yes they are like compressed cardboard and the house is a prefab.

as the house is a prefab. i think that it is essex board. if you remove the board [ as it often goes out of shape] you should find that the main structure is concrete studs with a wooden battern down the center. i would insulate between the studs, and fit a 12 or 15mm plasterboard on to the batterns.
or if you do not want to remove the essex board locate the batterns and over board the wall, again using a 12 or 15mm thick board.
The only thing I'm worried about is that it can contain asbestos (as lots of houses dated 50-80s do). Will send samples for testing and when get negative results will take boards off.
As you say will insulate (not huge cost comparing to money saved on heating) and put plasterboard on. First will put all wires behind, plan tv sockets and shelves so can put noggins for shelves load bearing.
Want to upload some pics I've done yesterday after I stripped wallpaper (it was coming off the board easily as glue dried out completely) so you guys can tell me more about that boards but for some reason can't post attachments. will try to put on web and url them
Btw sorry for photos quality (done with my cr&% HTC Wildfire).
On 4th pic is board piece tore off the wall.
yes ,i am certain this is essex board also known as tintest. you will not find any abestos in these,
the manufacturer was air screw weyroc at marks tey, essex. a lightweight board from the 40s through till the 60s. it was used in all of these airey homes [prefabs] as they where to have a life span of about 20 years.
malc thanks for the info - will do the research/more reading about these boards.
btw. can anyone recommend laboratory where I can test samples (there are plenty of them on the net but the point is to choose a good one)
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