Plasterers wanted for New year

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Well-Known Member
I reckon they're going to need a few plasterers in Carlisle in the new year when the floods die down
av just ordered shite loads of injection cream to hold back the flood water.................might pop in and see bubbles cos he's owa that way.................and put my prices up massively to reflect the insurance company market..........................(y)
Those places are the home of a lot of chemical companies so I'd bet they will be swarming with reps selling there gear as soon as the water drops.
when I did solely insurance work we used to love things like that. selfish thing to say really but it was true.

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I my home was affected unwound repeater with sand and cement with plenty waterproofer in up to ceiling height and replace all ground floor flooring with plastic joists and plastic flooring planks... just do away with wood completely
Have you any links to the flooring you used, am pricing this evening , second time flooded timberframe, pricing to cement board and tank ground floor, client might be interested in plastic flooring boards.

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