
Rent yourself a glory hole in some public toilets to earn extra cash. Good money to be made........... apparently ahem :inocente:
They no need to rip people off tho for a young lad that's got house to pay and kids and hoiladay a 130 it's keep me in work ok then what should I be charging people?
They no need to rip people off tho for a young lad that's got house to pay and kids and hoiladay a 130 it's keep me in work ok then what should I be charging people?
Depends on the job mate. I personally prefer to give a price or some customers (domestic work) like to clock watch
Lol this bloke is not a plasterer. I'll even go as far and say he is on benefits. No tax number. If am wrong what's your company name and I'll look in to u. But with the information we have on u in this thread and your tpf account I'd say I can find if u are accompany
If you're not trolling you are an absolute bellend. £130 after tax is just over £100...even if you're not paying tax it's still a shite wage for a self employed tradesman - sure you might pay the bills but f**k working for that. I work to pay the bills and have a good standard of living and put a fair bit aside for rainy days.

This must be the only trade where people call others too dear and are happy to earn a very average wage for a skilled trade what a mug.
If you're not trolling you are an absolute bellend. £130 after tax is just over £100...even if you're not paying tax it's still a shite wage for a self employed tradesman - sure you might pay the bills but f**k working for that. I work to pay the bills and have a good standard of living and put a fair bit aside for rainy days.

This must be the only trade where people call others too dear and are happy to earn a very average wage for a skilled trade what a mug.

He's not a tradesman. And I put my house on it he can only do bits of skimming. Plus it's a piss take thread (y)
2 hits clean up finished about 2 3 and 5 bags
You need to clear at least £200 after tax and expenses. Expenses being fuel, fry up, couple of pints for way home and copies of readers wives and 40+ for reading inbetween troweling up
I'm working on domestic not sites for my self so gotta charge cheaper to get the work
Not every body wants "cheap" on domestics. I'm lucky as most of mine are for people who are loaded and want a proper job with no mess to tidy up afterwards. I charge what I like but never take the piss. Your only as good as your last job and if you get complacent?? You're f**k*d!!
You should charge what you think your worth while still competitive with other real spreads !
Undercutters and semi skilled that are not as good, going in way to low on prices drive prices down for tradesmen in some areas. and are a threat to the industries future, but those customers that want cheap deserve s**t work as in life you get what you pay for !

I did 2 ceilings this morning 3 hours work. And still earned more than you charge a a day ! They got 3 quotes 1 off a good spread I know the other off a guy that worked in Tescos for years till all of a sudden he appeared on the scene last year with a nice new sign written van and I know he don't know s**t about the game !
I want a call you a chancer c**t but if your a young lad with a fresh business then it's a way for him to get work in and get his name out which you can't knock him for.
It's called business and competition.
If that's not the case your definitely a chancer c**t!

Here's a comparison for you which anyone can understand....
Ronaldo..... do you think he'd join a club for £50k a week?
No....why.... because he knows hes good and knows his worth.
The same should appeal to anyone in any job.
Why settle for less if you know your worth more?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Cheap doesn't always win the work especially not on domestics,

I proved that when I was on the tools... I did not need money so use to be bonkers prices in and win enough work to keep me busy and just spent extra time ensuring the job was perfect :D
lol bullies I'm just saying I go quote a private job that's is a days work at a price of 130 and other main stream plastering company's are moaning saying that why we got no work round here what a shame what do u all think
Your obviously a job seeker cash c**t that just smash and grabs your work it's people like you that cost the customer more to get one of us godly plasterers in to get over your mess.