Plastering course

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New Member
Hi Guys, curreently working as a floor and wall tiler, but have been been asked by loads of customers if I do plastering, so I am thinking of doing a course, can anyone recommend a decent place to train at, I am based in the midlands but will travel for a decent course, thanks..
Go and do a course and then when asked if you do plastering you can say "no I don't", but at least you'll know why you don't. :D
im not sure if this is the right thing to say but asking established plasterers to recommend a 'course' is probably not going to return the sort of result your looking for..
most plasterers will tell you that a course just isnt worth the money and youd be better off saving your money and working with an established plasterer for free for two weeks rather than blowing 700 quid to have someone teach you in a sterile training school environment...

and once youve done your course and you approach a plasterer and say 'ive done a course'.. once he's stopped laughing he might let you push the brush, mix up and maybe even trowel a bit up for a week or two on labourers rates at which point your gonna think to yourself 'why did i blow all that money on a course?'

and if you think a course is gonna set you up for starting your own plastering business youve got no chance in todays climate mate... yes theres people out there doing it... take it from me... real world plastering is nothing like plastering 1 or two walls in a training environment... you need speed and experience... neither of which you will get from a course..

your choice though mate... google plastering course... take your pick...

imo courses are good for acedemic trades.. or to brush up or improve on existing skills...
hello rapidset.dont be dispondent by comments as most not all issuing negative comments are not plasterers any ways.and some have to be told how to apply multi and flatten without it going all been font of all knowledge in every building subject.proves that not always best plasterers hey chris w.or no correct depths that finish is applied. most entering plastering have very little option than do these courses.the few of use that were lucky enough to be time served and i say few as most on here are not but knock everybody who wonts to progress,and detere them.and the ones always first in with the boot are the bitter ones who seem to spend all day on here dispencing advice whilst real trades men make money.good luck rapidset go for it.or you may end up allday on here blaming everybody and his dog for having no work.practice makes perfect not talking a good job.follow lead of oasis not losers.if any losers offended tough,fast becoming a very bitter place to anybody new.forgot how you all started.
I don't know how most people on here started Jeda but lets face it doing a course is not going to make you a plasterer. All and every good plasterer that I have ever met started as a labourer and worked their way towards becoming a plasterer, some work up from being a labourer over quite a few years and some manage it pretty quickly. Some start as a labourer and then do an apprenticeship and some just go on to learn the trade without a paper qualification to their name but they all have one thing in common and that is that they are able to draw on the knowledge of other plasterers over a long period of time and not just a few days. And I'm not one of the bitter types you speak of (read my post under "do you really enjoy plastering") I'm just being honest, if he really wants to learn to be able to plaster as a tradesman he needs to work full time with a good spread, but probably won't be able to afford to take the drop in money he would need to.
I've now gone on so long this looks like a Chris W reply. ;D
jeda said:
hello rapidset.dont be dispondent by comments as most not all issuing negative comments are not plasterers any ways.and some have to be told how to apply multi and flatten without it going all been font of all knowledge in every building subject.proves that not always best plasterers hey chris w.or no correct depths that finish is applied. most entering plastering have very little option than do these courses.the few of use that were lucky enough to be time served and i say few as most on here are not but knock everybody who wonts to progress,and detere them.and the ones always first in with the boot are the bitter ones who seem to spend all day on here dispencing advice whilst real trades men make money.good luck rapidset go for it.or you may end up allday on here blaming everybody and his dog for having no work.practice makes perfect not talking a good job.follow lead of oasis not losers.if any losers offended tough,fast becoming a very bitter place to anybody new.forgot how you all started.
bitchy.... :-*
all the years ive been spreading pink sh1te on peoples walls and i never knew how thick to apply multi.. ::)
p.s. i didnt start plastering by paying someone to teach me in a training school... people paid me to learn because i was willing to work my bollox off... if thats what makes me a loser then its a good example of whats wrong with this country...
ive done 2 courses in my entire life and neither of em have got me anywhere... so maybe i am bitter.. but its bitter experience ;)
I dont think there is right or a wrong way for getting into this trade , as long as are given the options they will have to make there own minds up which path they go down, as for rapidset he should allready know about flatness and margin details etc and i dare say he knows how to get over things . ;D ;)
In my opinion if i needed a sh*t hot tiling job done i would get a decent tiler, if i needed doors hanging i would get a chippy, each to there own, even builders get in other trades for specific jobs, if your gonna expand into different areas you will just end up as a handy man and not a tradesman. The only time i personally do other types of work is on my own house even then i get other trades in for plumbing and electrics, so when some one offers you plastering give it to a time served spread and you never know they might pass on tiling work to you.......but if you only want to pick a few plastering skills like flatening a wall out for tiling on then just practice getting used to a hawk and trowel in your garage on a bit of spare plasterboard or something save you alot of money in the long run :)
Hi rapid-set. For my-self plastering has taken years of work to be of a high standard you need to be,and it aint
just speed and the usual its also being able to solve problems and get round things which only come from experince ! Having said that if for your'e tiling you need to plaster areas to tile onto up to you do a short course
and go from there.
agreed, if all you need to do is level walls off and maybe the odd bit of skimming then a course may be just the ticket... brush up on existing skills, add something else to the service..
but if its to offer 'plastering' as a service in general then it takes practice and experience in a wide range of situations which your not gonna get on a short course...
understanding the theory is half of it... maybe a good book on plastering would go a long way to reducing course fees, then its just about getting the practice..
it would be cheaper to get a decent established plasterer to show you the ropes, work for free and you wont be expected to sweep up all day long etc, expect payment and you will... pay for a course and your still gonna be working, just paying someone else for the privelage..
another benefit of working with an established plasterer is youll get to experience overskims... if you can skim old walls you can skim new plasterboard...
dunno if the local college do short courses? theyd be cheaper than some of the others who boast they can make a plasterer out of you in two weeks...
the only thing ive heard colleges do is full 2 year courses with qualifications covering everything about the trade..
theres the difference though, you get the time to practice before you go out and price customers jobs up..
i found this on another forum... just had to borrow it.. sorry bout that... thought it was wel funny though..

What Makes 100%?
What does it mean to give MORE than 100%? Ever wonder about those people who say they are giving more than 100%? We have all been to those meeting where someone wants you to give over 100%. How about achieving 103%? What makes up 100% in life?

Here's a little mathematical formula that might help you answer these questions:


is represented as:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26.


8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11 = 98%


11+14+15+23+12+5+4+7+5 = 96%

But ,

1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5 = 100%


2+21+12+12+19+8+9+20 = 103%

AND, look how far ass kissing will take you.

01+19+19+11+9+19+19+9+14+7 = 118%

So, one can conclude with mathematical certainty, that while Hard work and Knowledge will get you close, and Attitude will get you there, its the Bullshit and Ass kissing that will put you over the top.
When you go on a course you are just starting out on a long, very long journey to becoming a plasterer. No course will make anybody a plasterer but it may well give people the opportunity of having a go and give them some confidence in what they are trying to do.

In fact I think the short courses will make people realise that they cant do what they wanted to do in the first place. My biggest concearn is not the people going on the course but the ones telling them that they will earn a grand a week after a 2 week course.
very true mate its upto the people doing it and what they do with it ........the people that sell the courses cant care its there business
i gotta say i agree with andy..... you can't be a plasterer til you done your time as a plasterers labourer learning the ropes and learning to be clean, i wouldn't and won't teach any labourer how to do my job until they can do there's properly without having to be told what to do all the time
I was going to go on a plastering course cus i thought it would be my only way into the trade,but ive took a pay cut and now work for a building firm and have teamed up with an old boy with fountains of knowledge about the trade,only been with him 2 weeks,he's fooked and blinded me a few times but ive learned loads already (about what not to do mainly)
Courses are a good starting point, I started with a course went off with 2 spreads became the best labourer then broke away did another one to hone my skills then anything I oculdnt do I pulled in extra help.... I have a plastering firm and have 2 guys working for me... I am currently in OZ still making money.

However I am very different from the avergae person I have goals and I set out to acheive my goals where as most just dont have it in them!!

I worked hard and changed things I am very popular plasterer in my area and one of the most expensive...under promise over deliver!

I have met a few people (one is my friend) calls himself a plasterer yet he is shite and I have carried him on all his jobs. he did a course and thinks he knows it all. One of the spreads I worked with had done it 20 years and was as rough as fook he was time served but just couldnt!!

Anyhow I have been on the GOON tonight (wine) so its the wine talking

Would I do a course? yes if you are willing to put the work in afterwards and willing to labour for a spread afterwards! A course will make you a very good plasterers labourer but it wont make you a plasterer as quick! if you want quick money then I would put all your money on Red!

A very drunk Danny in OZ!!
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