A : 'Andboard' - northern term meaning 'Hawk' or 'Hand board' to be precise
B : 'Bonding', 'Bonding out' - gypsum based backing plaster designed for low
suction backgrounds, bonding out sometimes used to describe the filling of
chases/patches with ANY gypsum backing plaster (general term)
C : 'Cellotex' - trade name for sheet insulation usually yellow and foil covered, also
see 'kingspan'
'Closing in' - term applied to the process of finishing a surface, tightening the
surface to a smoother, more compact and therefore stronger finish
D : 'Devil float' - usually an ordinary float with a few screws/nails knocked in to a
projection of 2-3mm. Used to key the surface of backing coats such as internal
render to accept finish plaster.
'Darby' - long flat blade (3 - 5 feet x 4-5 inches) with handles, usually
aluminium, sometimes magnesium or polyeurathane, used for straightening,
flattening and closing in backing coats.
'Doofer', 'Doorazzmo', 'doobury' - You figure it out (see 'wotsit')

E : 'By gum'
F : 'Float' or 'Floating up' - a ridgid, flat tool used for final finishing of backing
coats/render usually made of plastic (polyurethane) or wood but can be covered
by a sponge pad for gypsum based backing plaster or one coat plaster. Rubbed
over the surface to close in the finish, flatten off and remove blemishes.
'Friable' - loose, crumbly, fragile
G : 'Gypbond' - all encompassing trade term refering to products designed to
provide a key on smooth surfaces e.g. 'Thistle bond-it, Wickes bonding agent,
Knauf Betocontackt' etc..
'Guage' - see 'set' same as...
H : hy·gro·scop·ic
Pronunciation: \ˌhī-grə-ˈskä-pik\
Function: adjective
1 : readily taking up and retaining moisture
2 : taken up and retained under some conditions of humidity and temperature
hygroscopic water in clay
— hy·gro·scop·ic·i·ty \-(ˌ)skä-ˈpi-sə-tē\ noun (from miriam webster dictionary)
or 'hygroscopic salts' - found within bricks, comes out and manifests itself on
the surface when moisture trapped within the bricks evaporates
I : 'wish i was down the pub'
J :
K : 'Kingspan' - see 'cellotex'
L : 'Laying on' - the fine art of gettting plaster out of a bucket or off a board and
on to the wall/ceiling without getting it all over the place
M : 'Muck' - whatever your spreading on the wall be it finish, hardwall, render or
N :
O : 'OPC' - Ordinary portland cement
P : 'PVA' - polyvinylacetate, used for controlling suction, NOT creating a key
Q : 'Quickcem' - fast setting cement
R : 'Rake' - specifically the angle of a ceiling e.g. "30 degree rake"
'Round' - when you ask the labourer for thicker mix ,like it you have a thick
frame to work on you say " oi make the next one round you dopey coont "
S : 'Set' - the area of plaster that can be laid on and finished in one go, before it
T : 'Twitch', 'Twitcher' - Plasterers slang for an internal corner trowel, flexible (ish),
designed for dryliners and adopted by mainstream plasterers to help finish 'wet
corners', others use the same name for external angle trowels, ridgid and used
in the absence of a corner bead..
U :
V :
W : 'WBA' -Wickes plaster bonding agent
'Wet corner' - two adjacent surfaces layed on and finished in the same set
'Wotsit' - cheesy snack, see 'Doofer'
X :
Y :
Z :
Contribution credits to Napper,Spunkybum,Pug,grand wizard,platinum,hollybank,church,MFW.........Warrior (his idea) ;D