Hi all. Got a small project to get a TV mounted on a wall. Didn't like the thought of wires so got a sparky to cut some chases and get 1 conduit for the sockets and another for just additional wiring. I've done a tiny patch Job before with expired multi finish which went okay. So this is my first biggest job. Filled in chases with bonding. My levelling sucks but I bought a speedskim. I know I should have set it 3mm beneath existing wall but it's semi set at this point so can't work it anymore. It's still wet in sections and have been waiting 3 hours to do my first skim coat. Does it usually take long for bonding coat to set? Rather get it done today... Thought I had to scratch but looks like general consensus is that you don't need to if applying multi straight onto finish so left the rest as is. Is that okay?