Plastic beer crates

What makes you think I’ve always done domestic. Id stand you on your head any day of the week you pussy stoner. You bead up for daddy n take pics of the beads u absolute mugget.
You’ve already told us what u did before u taught yourself plastering, u sold key rings and head torches and shite on eBay,lol,stand on my head with your crate and your half days don’t think so bell boi,your sooo deluded
You’ve already told us what u did before u taught yourself plastering, u sold key rings and head torches and shite on eBay,lol,stand on my head with your crate and your half days don’t think so bell boi,your sooo deluded

Damn right. More to life than plastering. And much better ways to make money. Worth staying in the trade when buying property imo.

You’re the deluded one, you was only just going on about being a golf pro lol.

I’ve worked alongside mush’s like you. Stoners. Sweating n going for fag every half hour n blowing out ya arse. Id send you crying to ya daddy
For those that want creates they are cheep enough on ebay. 6 for £61 or £15 each seems to be the average..
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You're simply the best, better than all the rest
Better than anyone, anyone I ever met
I'm stuck on your heart, I hang on every word you say
I think I have the big bro to your one! Lol. What do you reckon? Separated at birth mate! Lol. :LOL:(y)
Plastic beer crates