Plastic trowels

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s*p*r*lex 1s that is plastic..get a refina s*p*r*lex or a nela s*p*r*lex if u do get a s*p*r*lex be sure to use it rite as there s**t I u go over ur work 2 early etc,especially refina 1 it takes abit of getting used to

What do you mean their s**t if go over to early?
If you go over ur wall whilst it's 2 wet! Cmon hail hail :loco:..u got a s*p*r*lex yet? Got 2 16 inch nelas cumin 2mz c wat these nelas are all about

No not yet, have been buying the kids their crimbo stuff all week. 4.5k down and some big fat b*****d in a red suit is going to take all the praise for it. Probably a f**k**g jimmy savelle too :( will be ordering my stuff early new year or will get the misses to buy them for crimbo. Its either this or all new clothes.
What in the fuuck have you got the nippers for 4 and a half grand ?????
Or how many have you got !!!!!
What in the fuuck have you got the nippers for 4 and a half grand ?????
Or how many have you got !!!!!

Seeing as I've had a good year, I thought I'd treat them since we all had few bad years in 2010/2011/2012. TBH thou, at Christmas I go a bit wild if I have it seeing as we didn't have much growing up ourselves in 80s. Don't get me wrong, we weren't poor but just got by like everyone else.

Got my oldest a 49 inch smart TV for her room along with other stuff. Forget most of it seeing as my chick picked everything. Have 2 sons and xboxs and games and so on don't come cheap and the other daughter, well she's now at wanting a smartphone and they aren't cheap either :( TBH, I should have just spent 500 each on them but got carried away like o always do at this time of year :(
No not yet, have been buying the kids their crimbo stuff all week. 4.5k down and some big fat b*****d in a red suit is going to take all the praise for it. Probably a f**k**g jimmy savelle too :( will be ordering my stuff early new year or will get the misses to buy them for crimbo. Its either this or all new clothes.
f**k Santa taking credit I tell my kids daddy buys them and gives them to Santa to put under tree..
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