Plinth advice

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New Member
Ive got an external plinth to hack off and redo and as its the first time ive done one could some one let me know what is the best ratio for the mix? and if I can do it in one hit as its only 10mm?.

Cheers for any advice from the pros.
you can do what you want ,whether its right or wrong is another thing ,but yes do it in one coat about 4 and 1 with water proofer in it ;) what sand do u use
Do it in one coat but use a sbr slurry to control the suction first ,use a 50/50 mixed sand ,washed sharp and soft @5-1 with waterproofer as a additive
Was gonna use washed sand but think i'll take the advice and mix in some sharp as well.

I know everyone has there own way of doing things but Ive learnt more reading through this site from you lot than some of the "experts" Ive worked with since starting up.

Thanks for your help lads it is much appreciated.
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